United with Israel

ACT NOW! Demand PayPal Close Neo-Nazi Account

Neo Nazi Germany

Neo-Nazis march in Germany, as counter-protesters stand on the sidelines. (AP/STR)

Germany’s neo-Nazi Der Dritte Weg party has a PayPal account. We must demand that the company shut it down!

Germany’s neo-Nazi Der Dritte Weg (“The Third Way”) party has a PayPal account, through which it receives payments and donations that enable it to continue its hateful activities.

Established in 2013 with the participation of former officials of the far-right National Democratic Party and activists affiliated with the Freies Netz Süd (Free Network South), which was banned in 2014, Der Dritte Weg is comprised of radical ethnic nationalists.

The party’s members are described as a “conscious neo-Nazi elite.” The majority are classified as very violent.

German authorities recognize The Third Way as a clear and present danger to minorities.

Party members traveled to Lebanon in March and lauded Hezbollah’s 2006 war against Israel. The neo-Nazi group supports Basher Assad’s regime in Syria and urges a full boycott of Israel, which it calls on its website a “terror state,” the The Jerusalem Post reported.

The Third Way’s PayPal web page, where the account is listed, calls to support convicted Holocaust denier Horst Mahler.

American and German politicians are urging PayPal to close the account.

“Congressman Zeldin supports the closure of this Pay-Pal account,” Jennifer DiSiena, Rep. Lee Zeldin’s (R-New York) communications director, told the Post last week.

Rep. Peter J. Roskam (R-Illinois) stated that “technology companies and financial institutions have both a moral and legal responsibility to make sure they are not supporting terrorism. Failure to do so is not just a bad business decision – it can also lead to enforcement action from the US government.”

The Post has learned that PayPal is reluctant to terminate the neo-Nazi group’s account because The Third Way is not banned in Germany.

Dr. Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, said that “any company which knowingly is involved in the trade of neo-Nazi or anti-Semitic material is complicit in the peddling of hate. There should be no ifs or buts: PayPal needs to ban this account immediately and stem its involvement with The Third Way.”

Me must raise our voices in protest and demand that PayPal close the account!

Urge PayPal to shut down the Neo-Nazi account!

1. Click Here to send PayPal a message via Twitter.

2. Send PayPal an Email at complaint-response@paypal.com

3. Call Twitter at 1-888-221-1161, or at 1-402-935-2050 if calling from outside the US.

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