United with Israel

ACT NOW! Demand President Biden Keep Terrorists Out of US

Iran US

An anti-Biden banner in Tehran, Iran. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Tell the Biden administration to reverse its recent removal of restrictions on certain individuals associated with designated terror groups.

Last week, the U.S. Department of State, in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), altered federal immigration regulations so that non-citizens who provided “insignificant material support” to designated terror groups are now eligible to receive “immigration benefits or other status” in the United States.

Specifically, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State “determined that grounds of inadmissibility at section 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B), bar certain individuals who do not pose a national security or public safety risk from admission to the United States and from obtaining immigration benefits or other status.”

The change was reported by the Washington Free Beacon, citing the policy published in the Federal Register.

“Examples of individuals who would fall into the new category, according to the announcement, include individuals who provided ‘humanitarian assistance’ or ‘routine commercial transactions’ to terror groups,” reported the Free Beacon.

According to the Free Beacon report, which included the conclusions of foreign policy experts, the Biden administration has made it “easier for individuals who have worked with designated terrorist groups to legally enter the United States.”

Experts speculated that the change in policy could benefit individuals associated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), a designated terror group responsible for the deaths of Israelis, Americans, and citizens of other nations around the world.

Iran remains the world’s top state-sponsor of terrorism, in addition to the primary source on instability in the Middle East, directing and arming terror proxy armies in Lebanon, Syria, and the Gaza Strip.

“A State Department spokesman said the law was amended to help vulnerable Afghans, who might have inadvertently worked with terror groups, gain refuge in the United States following the Biden administration’s bungled withdrawal that left the Taliban in power,” reported the Free Beacon.

The new regulations, however, could apply to other terror groups, such as the IRGC and al-Qaeda.

The Free Beacon report quoted Gabriel Noronha, a former State Department special adviser for Iran who now serves as a fellow with the Jewish Institute for National Security of America

“This looks like a massive watering down of our immigration restrictions against members of terrorist organizations,” concluded Noronha.

According to the State Department, the changes “are an effort to address issues related to Afghanistan” and don’t apply “to people who have received military-type training from [foreign terrorist organizations], including IRGC conscripts.”

“When the Free Beacon requested additional information and an explanation as to why the IRGC or similar groups would not be covered by the changes, the State Department declined to answer, saying, ‘We have no further information or comments to share.’ This lack of clarity is fueling concerns about the policy change,” added the Free Beacon report.

“At best this is a horribly written regulation. At worst, it’s an attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of Congress and the American people and make it easier for terrorists to come to America,” Noronha concluded.

A host of other experts quoted in the Free Beacon report, including former White House National Security Council advisor Richard Goldberg and several Republican lawmakers, rang alarms over the new regulation based on their potential to help individuals linked to dangerous terror groups.

Tell President Biden to keep terrorists out of the U.S.!

Send your own respectful message to U.S. President Joe Biden, or use this template:

Dear President Biden, I am writing to demand you reverse changes to regulations related to 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)). These changes eliminate restrictions on individuals linked to designated terror groups and could result in the entry to the U.S. of people associated with the IRGC, al-Qaeda, and other violent terror groups, which have a history of murdering innocent civilians. Use your executive powers to roll back these changes and protect the American people.”

1. Send President Biden a message on his official website by clicking here.

2. Send President Biden a message on Facebook clicking here.

3. Send President Biden a message on Facebook clicking here.


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