United with Israel

Act Now for Israel: Help Us Prevent the Deal with Iran!


The deal currently under negotiation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5+1 – United States, Great Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany – includes the removal of economic sanctions against Iran while allowing it to retain its nuclear capacity. Not one centrifuge is being dismantled!

Four reasons why this is a “very bad and dangerous” deal:

1. This deal rewards Iran without requiring any significant concessions.

2. Iran is very close to acquiring a nuclear bomb. According to the deal, Iran will merely freeze its nuclear program without dismantling it. It will maintain its ability to enrich uranium as well as to advance on the plutonium track.

3. International companies have been waiting for the opportunity to resume trading with Iran. The economic sanctions that brought Iran to the negotiating table will have ended, and it is unlikely that the sanctions will be resumed. Therefore, the damage will be irreversible. The deal gives legitimacy to a rogue nation which has openly stated its goal of wiping Israel off the map.

4. There is no time to wait! Israel’s survival – and the survival of the Free World – is at stake!

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Support Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders across the political spectrum who are united against the proposed deal with Iran.

If you live in the United States, write to your representatives in Congress, demanding that they opposed negotiations with Iran while it maintains its nuclear program! Find your representative here: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find

If you are not an American citizen, urge your own leaders to take a stand against a nuclear Iran and to oppose this dangerous deal.

If you haven’t yet done so, please sign the United with Israel petition at http://www.stopiran.org

“When it comes to Jewish survival and the survival of the Jewish state, I will not be silenced – ever!” – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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