United with Israel

ACT NOW: Demand License of US Doctor Threatening Jewish Lives be Revoked!

Lara Kollab

Lara Kollab (Facebook via Canary Mission)

Dr. Lara Kollab said she would “purposely give all the yahood [Jews] the wrong meds.” Demand that she lose her medical license permanently!

On December 31, the Cleveland Clinic announced that it had severed ties with 27-year-old Lara Kollab, a resident physician, after comments she had made threatening the safety of her Jewish patients came to light.

In a formal complaint filed with the Ohio State Board of Medical Examiners, Jay Sekulow, head of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and an attorney for President Donald Trump, wrote on behalf of the ACLJ and the Zionist Organization of America that Kollab should be stripped of her license.

In a tweet posted in 2013, Kollab wrote: “People who support Israel should have their immune cells killed so they can see how it feels to not be able to defend yourself from foreign invaders.”

That tweet and several others were publicized by Canary Mission, a website dedicated to monitoring anti-Semitism among anti-Israel activists in North America.

“Lara Kollab has called for violence against Jews, spread anti-Semitism, trivialized the Holocaust, defended the terror organization Hamas, and supported terrorists on Twitter,” the Canary Mission reported.

The revelations prompted the Cleveland Clinic to issue a statement confirming that Kollab, who was employed there from July to September 2018, no longer works at the center.

“In no way do these beliefs reflect those of our organization. We fully embrace diversity, inclusion, and a culture of safety and respect across our entire health system,” the clinic stated.

Sekulow described Kollab as “unfit to practice medicine” because of her comments, posted between 2011 and 2017. In 2012, for example, she wrote that she would “purposely give all the yahood [Jews] the wrong meds.”

That same year, Kollab called for the “defeat” of “the Zionist state through force.”

In another post, Kollab, then a student, said she was “sorry not sorry” that she was going to be “brutally unsympathetic” to the plight of Jews in the Holocaust.

“Dr. Kollab’s statements and intentions go far beyond the realms of free speech,” the complaint says. “Allowing her near any patients could literally jeopardize lives.”

Kollab, who was issued a temporary medical license by the State of Ohio to work at the Cleveland Clinic under supervision, retains her license, though she is unable to practice medicine unless hired by another clinic or hospital.

Sekulow’s letter of complaint was dated January 4, 2019, the same day that Kollab released a statement of apology through her attorney.

“I wish sincerely and unequivocally to apologize for the offensive and hurtful language contained in those posts,” she said. “These posts were made years before I was accepted into medical school, when I was a naïve, and impressionable girl barely out of high school. I matured into a young adult during the years I attended college and medical school, and adopted strong values of inclusion, tolerance, and humanity.”

“This statement is not intended to excuse the content of the posts, but rather to demonstrate that those words do not represent who I am and the principles I stand for today,” she said.

Kollab’s “apology” came only after the Canary Mission’s revelations and the threat to her career. It was also a lie, considering the fact that her hateful tweets continued well past her high school years.

Demand that Lara Kollab be banned from practicing medicine!

Contact the Ohio State Medical Board:

1. Tel: (1) 614-466-3934

2. Email: contact@med.ohio.gov and license@med.ohio.gov

3. Website: https://elicense.ohio.gov/OH_HomePage

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