United with Israel

ACT NOW! Protest Media Outlets Downplaying Israel’s Crucial Role in Yazidi Rescue Operation

yazidi girl IDF

Fawzia Amin Sido. (Twitter Screenshot)

In the rescue operation that freed Fawzia Sido, a Yazidi woman held captive in Gaza, Israeli soldiers played a pivotal role. However, the coverage from various media outlets downplays Israel’s significant contribution.

The operation that saved her was a complex, dangerous mission, with Israeli soldiers risking their lives to enter enemy territory.

Yet, media outlets like The Guardian, BBC, and CNN glossed over Israel’s indispensable contribution, choosing to downplay or omit these facts in their headlines.


Take The Guardian, for example, which titled their article “Yazidi woman kidnapped by IS freed from Gaza after a decade in captivity.” Their headline credits a “US-led” operation, relegating Israel’s role to a footnote.

While the piece mentions that Israel was involved, it fails to emphasize that it was Israeli soldiers who risked their lives, entering the war zone to rescue the young woman. Similarly, BBC’s headline simply says, “Yazidi woman rescued from Gaza,” again obscuring Israel’s integral involvement. 

Moreover, CNN barely acknowledges Israel’s role, presenting the rescue as a joint effort without highlighting that Israeli forces took the lion’s share of the risk.

These omissions are an insult not only to the soldiers who endangered their lives but to the truth.

This rescue was not just a humanitarian effort — it was an operation in which Israeli soldiers put everything on the line. Israel wasn’t just a participant; it was a leader in freeing this young woman from a decade of enslavement and horror.

The media’s failure to properly credit Israel for its actions is a disservice to those who fought to bring Sido home.

Let’s stand up and demand that media outlets stop minimizing Israel’s vital contributions to global efforts and portray these operations accurately.

CLICK HERE to Email These Media Outlets

Sample email

Subject: Concerns About Coverage of Fawzia Sido’s Rescue




I’m writing to express concern about your coverage of the rescue operation that freed Fawzia Sido. Your headline “[Insert Specific Headline]” overlooks the crucial role of Israeli soldiers who risked their lives in this complex mission.


Furthermore, relying on statements from Hamas diminishes the reality of the situation and the efforts made to secure Ms. Sido’s freedom.

I urge you to ensure more balanced and accurate reporting in the future, recognizing all parties involved.



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