United with Israel

ACT NOW! Tell Your Elected Officials to Fight Palestinian Pay-for-Slay Murders

Bank of Palestine

(Flash90/Abed Rahim Khatib)

The Taylor Force Act demands that the US cut all funding to the Palestinian Authority until it stops financially rewarding terrorists. Tell your elected officials to adhere to the law and halt all aid to the PA!

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has been paying terrorists to murder innocent Israelis for decades, incentivizing criminals to commit these attacks by providing them and their families with lifetime salaries.

In suicide bombings, stabbings, car-rammings, and shootings, Palestinian terrorists have killed Israelis, Americans, and Europeans, reaping hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of their lives for these heinous crimes.

On January 27, 2023, a Palestinian murderer killed seven Israelis in cold blood in Neve Yaakov as the Sabbath began.

In response to attacks such as this, a group of lawmakers from both sides of the aisle passed legislation in March 2017 that requires the U.S. to cut all funding to the PA until it ceases financial rewards for terrorism.

Specifically, the Taylor Force Act requires the U.S. Secretary of State to verify that the PA has ended its policy of paying off terrorists and their surviving family members. The bill also calls on the PA to publicly condemn terror attacks and to take steps to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The legislation was named after American war veteran Taylor Force, who was stabbed to death in a Palestinian terror attack that left 10 others wounded in Jaffa. Force, 29, served tours of duty in the US Army in Iraq and Afghanistan and was a graduate of the prestigious West Point Military Academy. He was in Israel as part of a Vanderbilt University trip.

Despite the the Taylor Force Act, the U.S. still funds the PA, which continues to pay Palestinians who murder innocent Israeli civilians.

United with Israel is partnering with the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) in a campaign to demand that U.S. lawmakers halt funding to the PA in compliance with the Taylor Force Act, and sponsor the reintroduction of the Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act, which prohibits “international financial institutions from laundering money to the Palestinians in order to make these payments.”

Tell your elected officials to enforce the Taylor Force Act and support the Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act!

Click here for EMET’s letter to send to your elected officials.

Click here to find your elected officials in the U.S. Senate.

Click here to find your elected officials in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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