United with Israel

ACT NOW! Urge US Ambassador to Act Against UN’s Blacklist of Israeli Businesses

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley (AP/Sean Rayford)

With the UN’s “human rights” agency (UNHRC) promoting boycotts against Israel, US Ambassador Nikki Haley has threatened to act against the UNHRC. We must encourage her to follow through on her words.

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) intends to publish a report that would establish a database of Israeli and international companies operating in Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria – areas that certain countries unjustifiably deem “occupied” by Israel.

Publishing the list could put pressure on the UN Security Council to follow up and act against Israel, and could be used as a weapon by advocates of boycotts against Israel.

On Monday, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon weighed in on the blacklist, pronouncing, “This shameful step is an expression of modern anti-Semitism and reminds us of dark periods in history. Instead of focusing on the terrible humanitarian problems plaguing the globe, the Human Rights Commissioner is seeking to harm Israel, and in doing so has become the world’s most senior BDS activist.”

Danon called on the UN, and the international community as a whole, to “halt this dangerous policy and put an end to this anti-Israel initiative.”

According to media reports, the Trump administration is exerting behind-the-scenes pressure in an attempt to thwart publication of the list.

“The United States has been adamantly opposed to this resolution from the start” and has fought against it before several UN bodies, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said. “These types of resolutions are counterproductive and do nothing to advance Israeli-Palestinian issues.”

According to an Israeli report on Wednesday, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has threatened to act against the UNHRC if it publishes the report.

“If you publish the list against settlements we will harm your funding,” Israel’s Channel 2 news quoted Haley as saying.

The report also said Haley warned that the US may pull out of the council if the list of companies is published.

The UNHRC is notoriously anti-Israel and focuses solely on the Jewish State, while ignoring real human rights abusers. Some of these oppressive regimes even serve on the council, making a mockery of its claims to address human rights issues on the international stage.

Haley and the US must take action against the UNHRC. We must urge Haley to keep her word and strike back against the UNHRC!

Urge Haley to Act Against the UNHRC!

1. Click Here to send Ambassador Haley a message through the US mission to the US.

2. Click Here to send Ambassador Haley a message via Twitter.

3. Click Here to send Ambassador Haley a message through Facebook.

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