United with Israel

Anti-Israel Professor Harasses Freed Hostage Who Was Tortured in Iran

Kylie Moore-Gilbert

British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert. (screenshot)

Professor who was fired for anti-Semitism harasses British-Australian academic who was jailed and tortured in Iran.

By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel

A well-known Australian anti-Semite and supporter of brutal Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad launched a vicious online campaign to harass a woman who was jailed and tortured by the Iranian regime, the Daily Mail reported on the weekend.

Former professor Tim Anderson has been going after Dr. Kylie Moore-Gilbert, a British-Australian academic who was illegally imprisoned in Iran for over two years, where she was accused of “spying” for Israel because her husband at the time was Israeli.

Anderson was fired by Sydney University in 2019 for using an Israeli flag with a Nazi swastika on it during a lecture. In 1979, Anderson was convicted for a murder plot and sentenced to 16 years in jail, but was pardoned after serving seven years.

Anderson was later convicted for his role in the 1978 terrorist bombing that killed three people outside the Sydney Hilton Hotel, where an international diplomatic meeting was being held.

While he was later acquitted of the bombing, Anderson has spent his life pursuing a radical “anti-imperialist” agenda and has even met several times with Syrian dictator Bashar the “Butcher of Damascus” al-Assad.

Anderson is a well-known supporter of the Syrian regime, which has killed over half a million of its own people.

Moore-Gilbert, the most recent target of Anderson’s ire, was released from Iran in a prisoner swap deal for three convicted Iranian terrorists held in Thailand. Her arrest by Iran appeared to be part of a premeditated scheme to launch a prisoner exchange.

Anderson accused Moore-Gilbert of being an “Israeli zealot,” claiming she had “military and leadership training in Israel,” the Mail reported.

Moore-Gilbert fired back, calling the disgraced former professor an “Iran-puppet and conspiracy theory zealot.”

“It’s not just him; there’s quite a few useful idiots in Western countries who are happy to do a deal with these guys,” Moore-Gilbert told the Weekend Australian.

“I honestly don’t see any logical explanation for his fixation on me, that months after my release he’s still tweeting about me the same propagandistic stuff that was released by the regime.”

She said she supported Sydney University firing Anderson because his “anti-Semitic” remarks should be “a fireable offense” in any workplace.

“We are, as academics, tasked with conducting research and teaching that is informed by data, and informed by the facts,” Moore-Gilbert said.

“The kind of narratives that this guy’s promoting do not at all appear to me to be informed by any research basis or factual basis that an academic would be speaking from,” she added.



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