United with Israel

Arab Rioters Confront Israeli Security Forces in Jerusalem

Jerusalem terror

Palestinians throwing stones at Israeli forces in Issawiya, in the Jerusalem area. (Noam Moskowitz /Flash90)

Arab protestors took to the streets and began rioting as a means of showing their discontent over what was an act of self-defense by the Israeli troops.

By United with Israel Staff 

Even as Israel continues to grapple with terror from across the Gazan border, Palestinian violence spread to Jerusalem this weekend.

Israeli police were confronted late Saturday night into early Sunday morning by Arab protestors throwing Molotov cocktails, stones, and firecrackers in some Arab sections in the Jerusalem area, especially Issawiya and Shuafat, though also in Silwan, outside Jerusalem’s Old City.

Though it may not make it into the international media, Israeli security forces contend with Palestinian terrorists in Jerusalem.

On Thursday night, an Israeli search and arrest operation was carried out in Silwan, during which 20-year-old Mohammad Samir Obeid hurled firecrackers at the Israeli troops. They fired at him and killed him.

The next day, Arab protestors took to the streets and began rioting as a means of showing their discontent over what was an act of self-defense by the Israeli troops.

The rioting was massive and at least 80 protesters were reported to have been lightly hurt, as the Israeli forces tried to restrain the violence without causing serious injury to the protestors, if at all possible.

Videos shown on social media documented the violence employed against the Israeli security forces: rocks, Molotov cocktails, and firecrackers. The Israeli troops were dressed in riot gear to fend off the violent protestors.

Earlier in June, two Arab residents of Jerusalem were indicted for alleged arson attacks during a wave of fires that struck Israel in late May into early June. This, too, is a form of terror confronted by the Jewish State, even in its capital city.

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