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Yom Kippur: The Holiest – and Happiest – Day of the Year!

Yom Kippur is a day of opportunity, potential, greatness, forgiveness, and intimacy with the Creator. It is the day when we start our lives anew.

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How to Get Your Prayers Answered on Yom Kippur!

What can you do to get your prayers answered on Yom Kippur? Here's a formula that's sure to help!


WATCH: IDF Cantor and Choir Chant Yom Kippur Prayer

The Cantor and choir of the IDF sing the moving prayer recited on Yom Kippur about God determining who will die and who will live in the coming year - with scenes from the Yom Kippur War.

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Kapparot: An Ancient, Mystical Atonement Ritual that Survived the Centuries

Using money instead of a chicken to perform Kapparot - a pre-Yom Kippur atonement ritual - is a more attractive, cleaner and less expensive option.

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WATCH: Stirring Musical Rendition of Holy Yom Kippur Prayer

This hauntingly beautiful rendition of a Yom Kippur prayer will put you in the right mood for the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.

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The Yom Kippur War Miracle – Victory Against All Odds

Many miraculous events occurred during the Yom Kippur War. As in the Chanukah story, the People of Israel were victorious despite seemingly insurmountable odds.


WATCH: How Do You Want to be Remembered?

Yom Kippur is God's gift to us to help us reassess our lives and face our mortality.

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WATCH: A Yom Kippur ‘Violin Recital’ in Auschwitz

This gripping video about an other-worldly violin recital is a must watch - especially before Yom Kippur. 

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The Festive Pre-Yom Kippur Meal: Spirituality Meets Physicality

Why is it a mitzvah to eat the day before Yom Kippur? Well, one reason is obvious. But there is another, equally important reason.

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Preparing for the Ultimate Day of Judgment

Just like Yom Kippur is the day of judgment, so too we must prepare ourselves for the ultimate Day of Judgment.

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Don’t Wait for Yom Kippur to Bring God into Your Lives

The holy day of Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement – is soon upon us. According to Jewish tradition, the fate of all mankind is sealed for the coming year.

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THIS YEAR: Who Will be Rich and Who Will be Poor?

Yom Kippur reminds us of the fragility of our existence and that our destinies are determined by God.

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Yom Kippur: Understanding the ‘Five Restrictions’

Ultimately, there is one reason for all the restrictions, and it is because the Torah says so. That said, a number of interpretations have been offered.

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Yom Kippur: What Do We Request From God?

King David reminds us of the true focus of prayer.

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Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Guide for the Perplexed, 2021

Yom Kippur concludes 10 days of soul-searching, atonement and repentance– the holiest Jewish time - which begins on Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish year, commemorating the creation of the first human-being, Adam.

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POWERFUL: Moving Rendition of ‘Avinu Malkeinu’ Prayer

Watch and listen to this inspiring performance by CHUTNEY, an Australian klezmer band, of a treasured Jewish prayer.

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On Yom Kippur, Sing Away Your Sins!

The moving tunes used for the Yom Kippur prayers are a main priority in the service, arousing our souls to a higher level of spirituality.


Living Torah: Sabbath of Repentance – a Remarkable Opportunity!

The power of commitment and renewal on Shabbat Teshuva is 52 times stronger than the power of any other Shabbat of the year!

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WEBINAR: Parshat Vayelech PLUS Preparing for Yom Kippur

In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the Torah portion of "Vayelech" (Deuteronomy 31:1-30) and offers some Yom Kippur teachings as well.

Remove Rosh Hashana

[WEBINAR] The Holiest Days of the Year: Everything You Need to Know!

Rabbi Enkin explains the "whats", "hows", and "whys" of the holiest days on the Jewish calendar - Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

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In Time for Yom Kippur: A Refreshing Perspective on Repentance

'Man' in Hebrew is 'Adam,' which also translates as ' dirt.' Is that our essence? Or is there more to it?

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On Yom Kippur, Pray for Life, But Pay Attention to All of Life’s Possibilities

At this time of year, when we pray for life, remember to listen carefully and pay attention to what happens around you in order to get the most out of life.

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Two Goats, Two Different Paths: A Yom Kippur Message

When reading about the service of the two goats this coming Yom Kippur, let us be reminded of a life lived in the path of God versus a meaningless existence.


Why Yom Kippur is the Happiest Day of the Year

As the Talmud says, “There were never happier days for the Jews than the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur.” What is it about Yom Kippur that makes it such a happy day?

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WATCH: Pre-Corona Yom Kippur Prayers at the Western Wall

Before COVID-19, tens of thousands would attend communal prayers nightly at the Western Wall during the High Holiday season, asking for Divine forgiveness.


Yom Kippur: A Unique Opportunity for Atonement and Repentance

No one should feel superior to another person. We are equal in God’s eyes, and we all have sins for which we need to ask forgiveness.

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Yom Kippur’s ‘Kol Nidrei’ Prayer: The Power of Words

Although Yom Kippur is the holiest and most solemn day of the year on the Jewish calendar, it is also a very happy day on which we can seek forgiveness for our sins.

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Yom Kippur: The Obligation to Eat Heartily the Day Before!

Why is eating before Yom Kippur so significant? What kind of preparation for the day of atonement for our sins is feasting and 'digging in' all day?

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Yom Kippur and the Lesson of the Two Goats

Our sages teach that even a desire to move in the right direction is full of merit, even if it does not materialize as we first thought.

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WATCH: Coming Clean – An Important Yom Kippur Message for Everyone!

Aish has released a powerful video with a message that directly relates to the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur.

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Yom Kippur Facts & Thoughts You Need to Know

The holiness of Yom Kippur in the Land of Israel cannot be found anywhere else in the world. - The Holy Book of the Zohar

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Be Forgiving to Others so that God Will Forgive You!

Our sages teach us that by emulating God and His acts of kindness towards others, we arouse God’s kindness upon us.

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Kol Nidrei – The Traditional Yom Kippur Melody Embedded in the Jewish Soul

Kol Nidrei, recited at the onset of Yom Kippur, in actuality has nothing to do with the holiest day on the Hebrew calendar. The haunting tune, however, is embedded in the Jewish soul.

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On Yom Kippur, Look Into Your Spiritual Mirror!

Just as the mirrors on our walls help us to look our best, the Yom Kippur season brings with it spiritual mirrors. Be sure to use your personal spiritual mirror.

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Why Remember the Sin of the Golden Calf on Yom Kippur?

Why does the High Priest wear his golden garments on Yom Kippur? Why bring to mind the sin of the Golden Calf?

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Why Do We SING During Yom Kippur Confessional Prayers?

Yes, we have to feel remorse, and yes, it may very well be appropriate on an individual level to be moved to tears, but on the whole, our sages teach us that the confessional is actually a time to be happy.


Yom Kippur: Forgiving Is Awesome!

Yom Kippur is known as the Day of Atonement, the day when we are forgiven for our sins. It's not a simple, magical ritual that automatically wipes the slate clean.

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WATCH: Shouting Out to God at the Western Wall

As we approach the Holy Day of Yom Kippur, watch thousands of Jews unify in prayer at the Western Wall. An absolutely incredible experience! It seems that the spiritual energy at this gathering has generated and stored up enough spiritual power to keep the world going for at least another year! May it be a... Read more »