'Qatar's classic game: support the Islamist terrorists and then present itself as a mediator, liaison, and even peacemaker – the arsonist playing firefighter.'
The kidnapping was a crime. And the extortionate demand was an additional crime.
The ICC arrest warrants are the final proof that the entire international system is beyond broken.
Arabs and Muslims have signaled their commitment to stopping the Iranian regime from using them as puppets in its plan to destroy Israel and take over the Middle East.
As the West falters, Israel leads the fight against Iran’s terror networks, carrying the weight of global security on its shoulders.
When addressing the deepening Middle East crisis, Western leaders should consider that Israel's offensive to destroy Hezbollah is very much in the West's security interests.
Biden sends a dangerous message to Israel's and America's enemies that, by continuing to terrorize and hold hostages, they can turn the Biden administration against Israel.
The Biden Administration, World Bank, and EU stand ready with taxpayer financing to ensure that PA Chair Abbas and his terrorists don't run out of murder-for-hire payments anytime soon.
President Biden's assertion that Hamas lacks popularity among West Bank Palestinians contradicts numerous polls and stirs controversy.
Masoud Pezeshkian is continuously branded as the "reformist" president despite contrary realities.
The Iranian regime is rapidly pursuing acquiring nuclear weapons. This breakout must be prevented.
Repeatedly, media creates a narrative that focuses primarily on Israel's actions, frequently ignoring internal Palestinian suffering and the complexities within Gaza.
The Palestinian plan for 'the day after' in Gaza: to kill more Jews and destroy Israel.
Boycotts and sanctions: the global community's reaction to Israel's self-defense.
Israel withdrew work permits for 18,500 Palestinians amid security concerns following the October 7 attack by Hamas.
Despite the deadly attack by Hamas on Israel, Western nations are shockingly embracing policies that favor the terrorist group.
False claims by Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas that Jews plan to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque incite violence and unite them in their dangerous rhetoric against Israel.
'If... those people went to Gaza... Hamas would kill them, literally.'
This development comes as President Biden proposed a ceasefire deal aimed at ending the conflict and securing the release of all hostages.
Families of October 7 victims release body-cam footage to reveal the brutal reality, echoing Eisenhower's call to "see for yourself."
In a bold and contentious decision, Ireland, Norway, and Spain have officially recognized the statehood of Palestine.
Palestinians have denounced the Biden administration's $300 million aid pier in Gaza, threatening to attack US troops overseeing its operation.
Protests on American campuses are drawing praise from Iran and Hezbollah, revealing an unsettling infiltration by Iran-linked activists into U.S. higher education.
Proposing the PA's return to Gaza ignores the deadly threat posed by Hamas
In the enduring struggle for Israel's freedom and security, its soldiers stand as modern-day guardians, echoing the spirit of ancient defenders like King David.
'To leave Gaza, people are paying a $5,000 bribe to Egypt,'
Iran's Encirclement of Israel, Control of Red Sea, Almost Complete
Iran's influence through proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah poses a mounting risk to Europe, but leaders are slow to respond.
There is simply no time for hesitation in addressing this existential threat.
Canada grapples with a surge in antisemitism, with blame directed at DEI workshops and media bias, igniting heated debate.
Israeli Christians thrive while Palestinian Christians face persecution.
The consulate's role in supporting Tehran's terrorist activities dates back to the early 1980s.
A groundbreaking appeal submitted to the United Nations is calling for urgent action against the pervasive violence inflicted on women under Sharia law.
In a covert meeting in Moscow, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have joined forces.
What are the motivations behind international policies in the Middle East, particularly regarding UN resolutions on Israel?
As global leaders entertain the notion of a 'demilitarized' Palestinian state, recent events and expert analysis underscore the perilous risks involved.
A short, temporary ceasefire might be achievable, so long as it requires Hamas to release all remaining Israeli hostages.
'Ending Hamas's rule is very good for everyone, even for Hamas itself.'
Amidst escalating tensions and geopolitical maneuvering, a troubling alliance between Iran, Hamas, and South Africa emerges as a focal point in global affairs By Robert Williams, Gatestone According to NGO Monitor, South Africa’s case at the ICJ is built on reports from groups with links to terrorist organizations. “South Africa’s submission to the court contains... Read more »
A recent survey sheds light on concerning attitudes within the French Muslim community, prompting fears for the future of European society.
How Hamas employs Palestinian civilians in their terror tactics.
The ICRC readily admitted that it had not even tried getting access to the hostages.
Behind the chaos of street protests lies a calculated strategy to radicalize and recruit for a leftist revolution.
Israel’s Arab citizens defy terrorism, embracing unity and loyalty to the nation amidst adversity. By Bassam Tawil, Gatestone “It’s disheartening to know that among the fallen heroes are Bedouin and Druze soldiers, Muslims, and Christians who courageously defended our country. The Bedouin community mourns all civilian victims, regardless of their background — Jews, Christians, or... Read more »
Tensions surge as Lebanon accuses Israel of killing a prominent Hamas figure.
The message coming from Hamas is that at least part of its leadership is prepared to stay in this deadly game until the last Iran-supplied rockets and missile are fired.
Who's behind TikTok's alleged support for Hamas? Uncovering surprising connections.
Is the Biden administration's vision for a 'revitalized' Palestinian Authority realistic, or a risky fantasy given the persisting glorification of terrorists and incitement against Israel?
How is the silence on attacks against Christians connected to giving a green light to Islamist terrorist organizations?
'Unfortunately, Hamas's bloodlust is not limited to Israel and Jews but also extends to Europe and Christians,' says Israel's Diaspora Affairs Minister.
Discover how Qatar's $4.7 billion donations fuel rising antisemitism and erode democracy on U.S. campuses in a revealing ISGAP report.
UNRWA's disturbing connection to terrorism revealed: shocking allegations of hate-promoting schools and cozy ties with Hamas exposed.
The neutrality and independence of the international organization is called into question in Gaza.
Woke university presidents face criticism for not addressing anti-Semitism, with a call for leaders chosen based on meritocratic criteria rather than conforming to diversity and inclusion pressures.
A surge in Islamic violence, including knife attacks and anti-Semitic incidents, is causing widespread concern in France.
Hamas's new terror group in Lebanon raises conflict concerns with potential regional impact.
Bin Laden's viral letter on TikTok presents a skewed view, overlooking fundamental doctrines advocating hostility towards non-Muslims.
Iranian militia groups conducted 82 attacks on US forces since October, posing challenges for the Biden administration in addressing Iran's role and influence.
Calls for a reassessment of UN's funding and role intensify amid growing scrutiny.
As Belgium, Norway, and Spain contemplate recognizing a 'Palestinian State,' legal complexities and geopolitical consequences underscore the urgency of a more considered approach
As Iran advances its nuclear capabilities, the world faces a critical juncture, urging swift international intervention to prevent a catastrophic outcome.
Hamas leaders have repeatedly demonstrated that they care nothing for the well-being of Arabs and Muslims as they live a life of luxury while Gaza burns.
Will the international community call out the Hamas leaders for sending young men to their deaths for the sake of the money being withheld?
The Washington Post goes to lengths to focus on the human aspect of the terrorists responsible for a series of shooting, stabbing and car-ramming attacks against Jews.
The case of Um Wissam not only exposes the mistreatment of Palestinians at the hands of an Arab country, but also the double standards of the international community and pro-Palestinian groups.
The real aim of the so-called pro-Palestinian groups is not to help the Palestinians, but to incite and spread hate and libels against the only democracy in the Middle East.
While, literally across the street, the Israelis have free debate in newspapers, quarrelsome programs on television and protests, the Palestinians continue to find themselves arrested, silenced and terrorized.
Fatah-affiliated terror groups are running wild in Judea and Samaria and Mahmoud Abbas makes no pretense of trying to stop them.
Ayman al-Zawahiri and Tayseer Jabari were two of a kind, but UN reactions to their targeted assassinations were polar opposite.
No one has demanded explanations from the PA as to why it released officers accused of abduction and murder.
The Biden administration needs to understand that under the current circumstances, advancing the idea of a 'two-state solution' is tantamount to advocating bloodshed and violence in the Middle East.
Harvard cannot have a double standard regarding matters of Jewish or the nation-state of the Jewish people, even if some radical students demand it.
Details have emerged indicating that the weapons used in the UAE attacks were Iranian-made.
Houthi attacks on the UAE embarrass the Biden administration, which lifted its terrorist designation.
Appeasing the Houthis and Iran is damaging American credibility in the Arab world.
The Palestinian leaders appear more concerned about the return of the Assad regime to the Arab League than the return of tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians to their homes in Syria.
Most shocking was that fully a third of Irish members of parliament of voted to expel Israeli diplomats from Ireland.
Imagine the uproar at UN institutions or university campuses in the US or Canada had such measures been taken by Israel.
As has now become clear for all to see, Israel has become the only hope for the hungry workers in the Gaza Strip -- who have been abandoned not only by their leaders, but by the rest of their Arab brothers as well.
Resolutions such as the one taken by the European Parliament are the kind that give the enemies of peace in the Middle East -- apparently including the European Parliament -- ammunition to keep fighting to achieve their goal of destroying Israel.
Those who continue to talk about a 'two-state solution' are not only deluding themselves, but also endangering the security of the Middle East by seeking to establish yet another terrorist state.
The time has come, indeed it is long past, for the Democratic leadership to stand strong against the anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-decency squalid Squad.
At the moment, the Iranian regime is reportedly 8-10 weeks away from obtaining the weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon.
US dollars won't restore Palestinian confidence in Mahmoud Abbas or bolster the two-state solution.
While most Arab countries are turning a blind eye to the country's deepening humanitarian crisis, Israel is the only country that appears ready to help the Lebanese people.
This biased journalism was crowned by commentary direct from Jeremy Bowen, whose report from Gaza at the end of the conflict looked more like pro-Hamas propaganda than objective reporting.
The Biden administration is rewarding Palestinian leadership that harms its own people and makes peace with Israel less likely.
Blinken needs to go out and talk to ordinary Palestinians. There, he will get a good grasp of the profound anti-Israel sentiments and deep support for Iran's proxies and others who wish to wipe Israel off the map.
The Palestinian leadership is now hoping that the Biden administration will turn a blind eye to the 'pay-for-slay' program and allow them to continue funding terrorists and their families.
The message the Palestinian leadership is sending to its people is: A Palestinian convicted of financial corruption is nowhere near as worthy of public office as one who murders Jews and masterminds terrorist attacks.
Soleimani is being commemorated as a hero and martyr by these terrorist groups because he was supplying them with cash and weapons.
The Biden administration, some Arab writers have said, has adopted a policy of antagonizing allies while appeasing enemies.
Held on campuses at around this time each year, Jew Hate Week is the racist BDS movement's flagship event for subverting university students to their malevolent anti-Semitic cause.
Human rights violations are regularly ignored by the international community when they are perpetrated by Palestinians against Palestinians and lack an anti-Israel angle.
There is one reasononly, why Abbas is talking about holding general elections: to continue mlking the cash cow he has in the form of US and European governments.
The UN will not provide relief or answers to the families of the victims of the Lebanon explosion because it's too busy passing resolutions against Israel.
'There are several reports confirming the Muslim Brotherhood's support for Biden so that the organization would be able to avoid restrictions on political Islam.'
'How wrong we were when we thought that Israel was preventing Muslims from visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque.' — Ali Al-Aslami, Emirati social media user, Twitter, October 19, 2020.
In light of such reactions, perhaps more Arab countries will follow the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in signing diplomatic agreements with Israel.
By declaring war on the UAE, the Palestinian leadership has chosen to align itself with those who seek the elimination of Israel.
It was not the first such agreement — there were peace treaties with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994) — and it will probably not be the last.
The Palestinians' hate for Israel and the US has blinded them to the point where they are prepared to support the penning up of more than a million Muslims.
With negotiators like Erekat, one can understand why the Israeli-Palestinian peace process has been stalled for so many years.
'Palestinians in Lebanon do not enjoy several important rights; for example, they cannot work in as many as 39 professions and cannot own property.' — UNRWA
The Hamas-Houthi alliance shows that Iran is seeking to expand its terrorist activities in the Gaza Strip, Yemen and Lebanon against Arab and Islamic states as well.
Hamas, after 13 years of criminal negligence and terror, continues to succeed in convincing the world that Israel is to blame for the misery of its own people.
When you radicalize your people against Israel and the US in such a way, how can you expect Palestinian leaders not to veto meeting with Israelis?
Pro-Palestinian groups claim to care about Palestinians and advocate for their rights. What about Palestinian abuse of journalists who express their views?
Why are foreign correspondents covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ignoring the greener pastures in the Gaza Strip?
While international human rights groups and the European Union are condemning Israel, they are ignoring home demolitions carried out by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
Eating with an Israeli or watching a TV series that sheds a positive light on Jews constitutes 'normalization' and is considered a crime and an act of treason.
The Palestinian leadership's ongoing efforts to muzzle its critics not only deprives Palestinians of their salaries and pensions, it also involves intimidation and arrests.
The Palestinian campaign's main message: Israel (or, to be more accurate, Jews) is deliberately spreading coronavirus among Palestinians.
The PA has done virtually nothing to help the Gaza Strip confront the coronavirus pandemic. Ironically, the only country that has been helping Gaza is Israel.
Palestinian officials continue, on a daily basis, to spread lies about Israel and Jews, even as Israel is helping them combat the coronavirus.
Palestinians in Lebanon are worried that the Lebanese authorities may use the coronavirus as an excuse to intensify restrictions on their refugee camps.
Denouncing Israel can be a full-time job, leaving little room for remembering that for 14 years, Palestinians have been deprived of the right to touch a ballot.
A psychiatrist, Claude Bloch, noted that the ruling may 'allow anyone with fierce hatred for Jews to murder them with impunity.'
The whole idea of boycotting Israel is designed to prevent the world from learning about the good things that Israel stands for and actually provides.
The European court decision, obliging retailers to identify products made in Judea and Samaria with special labels, does not help the Palestinians in Syria.
Hamas also praised Erdogan for his 'support for the Palestinian cause and the rights of the Palestinian people' and expressed opposition to 'the Zionist and US presence in the region.'
It is only Palestinians held by Israel for terror-related crimes who Abbas and his friends remember to mention. Why spoil relations with Saudi Arabia?
Hatred for Israel among so many Palestinians in Gaza seems to be stronger than any wish to better their situation by revolting against their failed leadership.
Palestinians are demanding that Western countries allow mass emigration for humanitarian reasons. By Khaled Abu Toameh, The Gatestone Institute Are the Lebanese seeking to get rid of the Palestinians living in Lebanon? Many Palestinians seem to think that the Arab country they have been living in for decades has plans to throw them out. Palestinian... Read more »
Palestinian leaders are experts when it comes to blaming Israel and Jews, instead of the real sources, for all the miseries of their people. By Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute The Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip has long served as a center for various terrorist groups that are responsible for thousands of terror attacks against Israel. In... Read more »
You simply cannot burn pictures of the Saudi crown prince one day and rush to Riyadh to seek money the next.
The behavior of European leaders towards Zarif shows how frightened they are of Iran and how these non-stop moralists will seemingly do anything for money.
Rina Shnerb, the 17-year-old teenager who was killed by Palestinian terrorists, never lived in a "settlement" in Samaria and she never served in the IDF or any security agency, contrary to the lies spread by the Palestinian media.
The very idea of Washington sitting down with the Iranians when it continues to threaten the security of its closest Middle Eastern ally would be unconscionable.
By describing any Jew who visits the Temple Mount as an 'extremist settler,' the Palestinian leaders send a message that it's open season on the Jewish visitors.
Working to foil plans for a new hospital in Gaza, PA leaders are sacrificing the lives of Palestinian patients on the altar of hatred.
The arrest of journalist and political activist Thaer al-Fakhoury exemplifies what a promise by the Palestinian prime minister is worth.
The moment Palestinians noticed the Saudi blogger at one of Islam's holiest sites, they demonstrated to him how they treat their Arab brothers.
Why are the UN and other international institutions remaining silent as Palestinians are being thrown out of their jobs in an Arab country?
Is the Palestinian Authority president really as 'moderate' and 'pragmatic' as many would like to believe?
Strong condemnation from Palestinians towards the Arab states attending the Bahrain conference indicate their disdain even towards Arab leaders and governments.
According to the Palestinian Authority's version of reality, the tragedy of a recent terror attack in Israel was not that two innocent Jews were stabbed, but that the Palestinian terrorist who committed the attack was killed.
The Palestinians 'never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.'
The time has arrived to address the facts on the ground: two of the most powerful factions in Palestinian society are clear-cut terror groups seeking death, destruction, and the elimination of the Jewish state in any form.
'Call it an act of civil disobedience, or call it an act which simply recognizes the absurdity and illegality of the Security Council Resolution.'
What is disturbing is that Palestinian leaders are now putting their people's lives at risk by denying them medical treatment in Israeli hospitals.
Only three-quarters of a century after Der Stürmer incentivized the mass murder of Jews by dehumanizing them, we must condemn those who hide behind the First Amendment to express anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, homophobic, sexist or racist views.
With boycotting Israel being their top priority, Palestinian students expelled Palestinian companies that came to offer them jobs at a time of high unemployment.
PA leader Mahmoud Abbas' remarks at the Arab League gathering in Cairo show his preference for the well-being of terrorists over hard-working employees.
Hamas can now claim another 'achievement' in their jihad against Israel by transforming a clear-headed and courageous young man into a blind and disabled one.
While the PA and Hamas are beating up each other's supporters, "pro-Palestinian" activists on US and Canadian campuses are blaming Israel for Palestinian woes.
If an Arab or Muslim child is prohibited from playing soccer with a Jew, how can the US expect the Arabs and Muslims to recognize Israel's right to exist?
International journalists based in the Middle East care precious little about the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Lebanon, who for several decades have been protesting the apartheid and discrimination practiced by an Arab country.
None of these teachings is exactly a recipe for integration or assimilation into the Western countries in which Qatar seeks to project its influence.
They disagree on many things, but when it comes to repressing and violating the human rights of their people, Hamas and Fatah are comrades-in-arms.
With such dire promises of conflict, it would be expected that the international media and politicians around the world would say something about the situation.
If a body of Christians truly cares about Palestinian lives, then it should stop permitting distortions that incite anti-Semitic hatred and terror.
“We won’t give up on one inch of the land of Palestine,” said Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.
In light of the Palestinians' intense opposition to the 'Deal of the Century,' it is already clear that the plan will not solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
For Palestinian terror groups, the expression 'women and children first' has nothing to do with protecting the vulnerable, and everything to do with forcing the defenseless into serving as human shields.
To achieve peace with Israel, Palestinian leaders need to prepare their people for peace and compromise, and not, as they are now doing, the exact opposite.
It has been another tragic year for Palestinians living in Syria, but pro-Palestinian advocacy groups and mainstream media seem to have missed the misery.
Shouldn't Palestinian leaders be excited about thousands of new jobs with higher wages for Arabs, even if a Jewish Israeli businessman created those jobs?
The biggest losers from the Palestinians' internal bloodletting are the Palestinian civilians living under corrupt leaders in the PA and Hamas-ruled Gaza.
According to Palestinian logic, IDF forces searching for terrorists is an 'act of terrorism,' but not the shooting of a pregnant woman.
Abbas is opposed to a US-sponsored draft resolution asking the UN to condemn Hamas terror. Why is the PA leader defending his rival?
Palestinian leaders have convinced their people that Trump is the worst person on the face of the earth and that no one should be doing business with him.
All that is left for the Palestinians to do is envy Israel, which has a vibrant parliament where lawmakers, including Arab MPs, are free to express their views without fear.
The Palestinians seek to deny Israel precisely what they believe should come to them on a silver platter.
Twenty-five years after the signing of the Oslo Accords, the balance sheet is more like that of the 'Oslo war.'
It takes a lot of wakaha (impudence) to spit in someone's face and then reach your hand out to beg for money, which is what the Palestinians are doing.
Palestinian leaders do not want to see any improvement in the lives of the Arabs in Jerusalem so that they can continue to incite against Israel and accuse it of discriminating against its Arab population.
For Muslims, Jerusalem's significance depends on political and religious rivalries, and only when non-Muslims are in control do Muslims seem to remember the city.
Some Israeli Arab leaders want Israel to give up its identity as a Jewish homeland because they hope that one day Jews will become a minority in their country.
Iran is not helping the terror groups out of love for the Palestinians, but in order to advance its goal of eliminating the 'fake Zionist regime.'
Islamic institutions and organizations in Ireland played a prominant role in creating the Ireland's anti-Israel bill.
Abbas told Prince William that the Palestinians are 'serious about reaching peace with Israel.' Is that true?
While the evidence clearly points to Hamas's culpability in the violence at the Israel-Gaza border, the media chooses to propagate Hamas' lies.
The Palestinians have stepped up their anti-US rhetoric in an attempt to extort funds from the US. The Americans should call the Palestinian bluff and send a warning that there will be consequences for their rhetoric and actions if they do not cease the incitement.
The silence of the international community to the war crimes being committed against defenseless Palestinians in a refugee camp in Syria is an insult.
The “March of Return” marks the beginning of the “liberation of all of Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.”
A Jewish soldier who shouts at a Palestinian at a checkpoint is more newsworthy than, say, Palestinians tortured by the Palestinian Authority or Hamas.
A visit to Morocco shows that the claim of Palestinians to a 'right of return' has little historic, moral or legal basis.
It is easy to see why Palestinians would be opposed to the US administration's upcoming plan for peace in the Middle East.
Jerusalem 'was founded by the Jews... in ancient times. You can read Flavius Josephus or read Diodoros Siceliotis and see the references to the city of Jerusalem.'
While threatening to thwart Trump's peace plan, the Palestinians are discovering that they are the only ones in the Arab world who oppose it.
When Palestinians and some of their supporters in the international community say that they want an end to the 'occupation,' they mean they want to see an end to Israel's existence.
Instead of attending to the needs of his people, Mahmoud Abbas is busy picking a fight with the US, and Hamas is busy fighting ISIS.
While Israel is condemned for its use of administrative detention as a tool to thwart terrorism, the PA holds people without trial as a means to silence them and prevent them from voicing any form of criticism, yet the world says nothing.
The 'progressive' academics who campaign for academic freedom and Muslim rights are the same ones who campaign for Israel's destruction.
"Moderate" Palestinians try to outdo Hamas terrorists' rhetoric by praising the murder of Israelis and castigating US leaders.
BDS is not a protest against Israel's policies. Rather, it is against Israel's very existence, Dershowitz told West in a recent debate.
The Palestinians are discriminated against not by Israel, but by their Arab and Muslim brethren. Arab hypocrisy is once again on display, but who who is watching?
The entire brouhaha about Jerusalem is entirely the fault of a single vengeful individual who put personal pique over US policy: Barack Obama.
The protests after the US' recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital show that most Arabs and Muslims still cannot accept Israel's right to exist.
In all likelihood, the Palestinians were hoping that the new US administration would endorse their vision for 'peace' with Israel.
Here is how the Palestinians see it: If you do not accept all our demands, we can't trust you to play the role of an 'honest' broker in the conflict with Israel.
The Palestinian Authority and Hamas will now have two separate mini-states of their own in the Gaza Strip - similar to the situation in Lebanon.
Kissinger, Ross, Indyk and Friedman are only a few of the Jews accused by Palestinians and Arabs in recent decades of playing a major role in US decision-making.
To catch the eyes of the international community and media, Palestinians need to live in Judea and Samaria, the Gaza Strip or Jerusalem.
The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas is finally getting a dose of its own medicine - in the form of a suicide bombing targeting its members in the Gaza Strip.
The Palestinians have one condition for the US to be accepted by them as a mediator in the conflict with Israel: bias in their favor.
YouTube and Google, by enabling the promotion of Islamic terrorism, are effectively being accessories to murder and should be held criminally liable.
How does the public endorsement of the Jerusalem terror attack and the terrorists stand up to Abbas's promise to President Trump to stop anti-Israel incitement?
The real tragedy of the Palestinians over the past few decades has been failed leadership -- whether it is the secular PLO or the Islamist Hamas.