Rabbi Enkin presents a no-holds-barred webinar on intermarriage and conversions for the sake of marrying a Jew.
Discover what the Torah has to say about polygamy, what the rabbis have say, and yes, there are situations in which polygamy is permitted even nowadays.
Rabbi Enkin explores anti-Semitism from Biblical times until today, focusing on the relationship between Jews and Gentiles througout the ages.
Our sages teach that clothing should have a sense of honor and glory -- we should not just wear 'anything.'
Rabbi Enkin presents an in-depth look at the fascinating Torah portion of "Vayishlach", complete with traditional commentaries from the Talmud, Midrash, Kabbala.
Rabbi Enkin presents a comprehensive, interesting webinar on "hachnasat orchim" - the mitzvah of welcoming guests.
Discover how Sukkot is a unique, meaningful and fun holiday that benefits the entire world
Rabbi Enkin presents a somber but inspirational, eye opening webinar about the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.
To conclude the Book of Numbers, Rabbi Enkin presents a special class that "scrolls" through a number of interesting topics!
Rabbi Enkin explores Jewish concept of reincarnation from both a scriptural and kabbalistic perspective.
The Torah portion in Israel of “Balak” (Numbers 22:2-25:9) teaches how Balak, King of Moab, hired Balaam to curse the Jewish people after realizing that he could not destroy them militarily. God plays a trick and instead of cursing the Jewish people Balaam ends up blessing them! Rabbi Enkin’s informative webinar focuses on the nations... Read more »
Rabbi Enkin covers many topics from this fascinating, action-packed Torah portion, with special emphasis on the episode of Moses hitting the rock.
Rabbi Enkin examines Korach's evil power struggle with Moses and other destructive Jewish fights, but also explores some "good" Jewish arguments throughout the ages.
Rabbi Enkin explores the fruits of the land of Israel, including the seven species, from ancient agricultural times to modern day Israel and everything in between.
Rabbi Enkin discusses music in the Temple, the synagogue, and modern-day music trends in the Orthodox Jewish world.
Rabbi Ari Enkin presents a multi-faceted, information-packed webinar covering the Torah portion of Numbers, Jerusalem Day and the holiday of Shavuot.
Rabbi Enkin delves deeply into the mysterious Torah law about lending with interest, plus few other lesser-known business laws as well.
Rabbi Enkin explores some of the major ethical works that Judaism has produced, including the famous Ethics of the Fathers.
Discover what some of the lesser known Torah commandments are really all about..
Rabbi Enkin deciphers, demystifies and explains Jewish laws of purity, many of which are practiced only when the Holy Temple stands.,
Rabbi Enkin presents an "Everything-You-Need-To-Know-About-Passover" webinar with an emphasis on lesser-known customs and practices.
Since sacrifices may very well have been the original "Jewish foods," this webinar explores Jewish foods in great gastronomic detail.
Learn about the "Four Special Sabbaths" which fall during the pre-Passover period, and various other distinctive Sabbaths throughout the year.
Rabbi Enkin takes a fascinating look at the entire story of the Golden Calf and presents meaningful lessons that we can implement in our daily lives.
Rabbi Enkin takes an in-depth look at the Tabernacle, Holy Temple and modern-day synagogues.
Rabbi Enkin discusses lesser known Torah laws such as slavery, unique kosher laws that go beyond eating and drinking, the ban on going to secular courts (instead of rabbinic courts), and much more!
Rabbi Enkin explores fascinating issues related to conversion, including the controversial modern-day question of "Who is a Jew."
Rabbi Enkin takes you on a fascinating journey through the wilderness, exploring the miracles performed for the Jews during their forty years in the desert.
Rabbi Enkin gives a fascinating class about the final three plagues, the Passover sacrifice and the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt.
Rabbi Enkin gives a fascinating presentation of the Ten Plagues from the perspective of Scripture, Talmud, and most of all, Midrash.
Rabbi Enkin explores Jewish names, dress, languages and other trimmings that have kept Jews 'Jewish' throughout the many years of exile.
New way to cure pulmonary embolisms; Iranian invasion; Jewish women of consequence; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Israelis live longer Israelis have the world’s 10th highest life expectancy, according to the Worldometer’s Life Expectancy of the World Population – a project by NiceR that helps Americans access affordable prescription medications. The... Read more »
What does Judaism say about DNR, hospice care, euthanasia, organ donations and cremation?
Rabbi Enkin explores the emotional encounter and reunion of Joseph and his brothers, family relationships, fulfillment of prophecy, and the nation's journey down to Egypt.
Rabbi Enkin weaves together traditional Jewish sources along with secular, historical ones to offer a slightly "different" perspective on the Chanukah story.
Rabbi Enkin explores various concepts in Jewish business law, complete with sources and precedents from both the Torah and Talmud.
Rabbi Enkin delves into some of the most famous (and violent) episodes of sibling rivalry in the Bible. And some advice for you, too!
Hebron is the Jewish people's second holiest city. King David began his reign in Hebron. So much history, so much holiness!
Discover how the timeless teachings of the Bible on dating and marriage are as relevant today as in ancient times.
An inspiring, informative webinar on why Jews should make Aliyah, how to make Aliyah, and what life is like in Israel after making Aliyah.
Although there's no denying that Jews and meat have a "loving relationship," this class takes a balanced look at both sides of the issue.
Rabbi Enkin analyzes the commandment to "be fruitful and multiply," covering child rearing, adoption, birth control, abortion and more.
Rabbi Enkin presents an exceptional class about the joyous, action-packed Festival of Sukkot.
Rabbi Enkin presents a meaningful, informative (and fun!) class about the holiest day of the year.
It’s that time of year again! Time for… The Rosh Hashana Webinar! Get ready to learn how to properly observe the holiday of Rosh Hashana – the Jewish New Year – which begins this Sunday night. Discover why we blow 100 shofar blasts (when the Torah seems to require only 9) and why we eat... Read more »
The Torah portion of “Ki Tavo” (Deut. 26:1-29:8) includes some heavy discussion about charity, tithing, and helping the less fortunate. In this webinar, Rabbi Enkin presents the Jewish perspective on giving charity, known as “tzedaka.” You will learn how “tzedaka” is addressed in the Torah, the Talmud, and even in the mystical teachings of Kabbala!... Read more »
Rabbi Enkin presents a frank discussion on everything about divorce in Judaism.
Rabbi Enkin discusses the controversial issue of capital punishment in Judaism.
Rabbi Enkin presents a comprehensive look at the details of kosher slaughter and kosher meat.
Rabbi Enkin presents a fascinating look at health, faith and healing from biblical times until today.
Rabbi Enkin dissects and explains Judaism's holiest prayer throughout the ages in a way you've never experienced before.
Discover why Tisha B'Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, with multiple tragedies occurring from biblical times until today.
Rabbi Enkin discusses the saddest period of the Jewish calendar known as the "Three Weeks," in which the Jewish people suffered many tragedies.
From the sin of spies, to the destruction of both Holy Temples, to the Crusades and the Holocaust, learn why Tisha B'av is an eternal day of Jewish tragedy and destruction.
Rabbi Enkin presents a discussion about marriage in Judaism - both the practical aspects and the philosophical ones.
Rabbi Enkin presents amazing biographies of great Jewish leaders and some of their lesser-known accomplishments.
Rabbi Enkin presents a unique webinar about Bilaam, Balak and other infamous villains in the Bible.
This webinar explores Genesis 12:3 throughout history and discover which nations merited the blessing and which merited the curse of God's wrath.
Rabbi Enkin discusses Jewish practices in death and mourning, especially the lesser-known customs and their reasons.
Rabbi Enkin presents the story of Korach, the ritual practices he tried to challenge, and some of the most famous Jewish ritual objects and their purpose.
Rabbi Enkin's webinar about Aliyah deals with the BIG question: Is moving to Israel a mitzvah? Is it an absolute obligation?
Rabbi Enkin presents an extensive talk about public Torah readings.
Rabbi Enkin presents a BIG "Revelation" about Shavuot. Experience the holiday like you never have before!
The Torah portion of “Bamidbar” (Numbers 1:1 – 4:20) discusses the census of the Jewish people and the delegation of various groups’ roles and responsibilities. The Kohanim (Priests) are considered to be the holiest group – the highest class. They ran the service in Tabernacle and later in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Levites... Read more »
Rabbi Enkin explains how the rabbis have addressed the issue of reward of punishment throughout the ages.
After a brief review of the Sabbatical year, Rabbi Enkin will discuss the unique 7-week period of counting known as "Sefira".
This webinar covers how Yom Ha'atzmaut is celebrated in Israel and abroad, some lesser-known facts about Israel's national anthem, ideas on planning a trip to Israel and much more!
Rabbi Ari Enkin presents a deep and extensive webinar on the Torah viewpoint of parent-child relationships.
Rabbi Enkin uncovers the mysteries of the Passover Seder and teaches you how to do it right.
A lively discussion on the important details you need to know in order to prepare for the Festival of Freedom!
Rabbi Enkin takes a fascinating look at medicine and medical ethics from the Torah perspective.
This webinar explores the fascinating laws and customs of Jewish mourning practices: What we do, why we do it and why it's so important to follow.
The class closely examines the kosher laws, debunks myths, explains the meaning behind keeping kosher, and much more!
Rabbi Enkin teaches all about the joyful and meaningful holiday of Purim, its unique customs, costumes, the Book of Esther, and much more!
Discover what Judaism has to say about taking care of our health, proper diet, exercise, sleep, and much more.
Discover how women are an indispensable part of Judaism and the key to our future.
Rabbi Enkin navigates the Jewish obligation of giving charity. When, how, how much and to whom?
Get ready to learn all about Jewish dress codes from the best dressed Rabbi in town!
Rabbi Enkin reveals exciting details about the holy Mishkan and teaches you all about modern day synagogues.
Join Rabbi Ari Enkin for a unique look at some famous converts to Judaism.
If there really are 613 commandments and not just 10, were the other 603 also revealed on Mount Sinai?
Rabbi Enkin presents a thorough study on what Judaism has to say about trees, fruits and what we can learn from them.
Join Rabbi Enkin for an eye-opening explanation of the mysterious Jewish calendar.
From the sorcerers of Egypt to modern-day wizards and magicians, come learn about Judaism's take on this mysterious topic!
Rabbi Enkin tells the story of Moses killing the Egyptian like you never heard before and discusses when killing in self-defense is permitted.
Rabbi Enkin explores the "10 Lost Tribes" with an emphasis on modern day lost tribes that may have been "found."
Learn about the foundations of a Jewish community and Jewish family. Discover what keeps the Jewish people together to survive in a non-Jewish world.
Rabbi Enkin presents a very special webinar about the holiday of Chanukah.
Join Rabbi Enkin for an "honest" talk about lying in Judaism. You're guranteed to enjoy this webinar... and that's the real truth!
Rabbi Ari Enkin explores the unique status of the firstborn and whetner they really get a double portion of the family inheritance.
Rabbi Enkin explores the meaning of angels in Judaism in a webinar that is simply out of this world!
In Rabbi Enkin's very special "tour" of Hebron. you will learn its history, view its holy sites and visit some very special attractions.
Find out why the Jews have the exclusive, eternal right to the Land of Israel.
Rabbi Enkin "rocks the boat" as he explores the "Seven Noahide Laws" which are binding, even nowadays, on all of mankind.
Rabbi Enkin explains the whats, hows, and whys of the joyous holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah.
Rabbi Enkin explains the "whats", "hows", and "whys" of the holiest days on the Jewish calendar - Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
Rabbi Enkin explores the Torah's incredible commandment of being happy.
Rabbi Enkin explores many intriguing aspects and laws of divorce in Judaism.
Rabbi Enkin explores the roles of judges and kings in ancient times, including "mini-biographies" of lesser-known biblical leaders.
Rabbi Enkin presents an inside look at the Sabbatical year, when plowing, planting, pruning and harvesting are forbidden.
Rabbi Enkin gives a complete “tour” of the holy Shema prayer so get ready for some depth in scripture like you’ve never seen before!
Rabbi Enkin's fascinating webinar fearlessly addresses sensitive topics and questions arising out of the 'Chosen People' concept.
Learn about the Holy Temples and why they were so special, how Tisha B'av is observed, and a general overview of Jewish mourning practices.
Rabbi Enkin takes a fascinating look at the Jewish perspective on warfare, captives, spoils, torture and more.
Rabbi Enkin explores the woman's role in Jewish law and practice, including in the home, synagogue, school, workplace, the court system and so much more.
Rabbi Enkin's fun and interesting webinar about animals in the Bible will teach you how Judaism views living creatures and what our responsibility is towards them.
Rabbi Enkin presents a detailed look at what exactly was the sin of Moses and Aaron when they hit the rock - and what we can learn from it.
Rabbi Enkin examines Moses and other Jewish leaders throughout history and discusses what it takes to become a great leader.
Rabbi Enkin explores capital punishment in Jewish law and in the modern day State of Israel.
This webinar explores many fascinating aspects of the Holy Ark, also known as the "Ark of the Covenant."
Explore the world of the Nazirite and understand how to resolve the contradiction of competing principles.
If Shavuot commemorates God giving the Torah to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai, why is it a "lesser known holiday" with little or no fanfare?
In this webinar, Rabbi Enkin shares the Torah's teachings about "kosher" and "non-kosher" relationships.
Learn about the circumcision ceremony, why we do it, how it's done, and what it means for the future of the Jewish nation.
Rabbi Enkin discusses how to prepare for the Festival of Freedom and run a meaningful and fun Passover Seder.
Learn why God instituted a system of animal sacrifices, which types can be offered for which occasion and what is the women's role.
Rabbi Enkin's in-depth explanation about the laws of Shabbat covers what type of "work" is forbidden and when Shabbat may be "violated".
Rabbi Enkin explains the infamous story and sin of the Golden Calf in great detail based on traditional Jewish sources.
Take a journey through the Book of Esther and enjoy Rabbi Enkin's "how-to" guide on celebrating the festival Purim.
Rabbi Enkin demystifies this lesser-understood "eye for an eye" passage and shares a general look into how Jewish civil law is practiced today.
Rabbi Enkin explores lesser-known details about the Revelation at Sinai and the Ten Commandments.
Take a journey through the splitting of the sea from the unwritten miracles that occurred to the song of praise that is still recited every single day.
Discover why the ancient Passover Sacrifice, in which family, community and dedication to Torah are priority, is as relevant today as ever.
Rabbi Ari Enkin explores what exactly the ten plagues were and whether they really could have happened.
Join Rabbi Ari Enkin for a fascinating look into Jewish naming customs and why they are so meaningful.
Learn about the special blessings that Jacob gave his children before his death and how they were fulfilled.
Journey through the exiles Jews have endured, learn what it means to be a Jew in exile and the secret to Jewish continuity in the face of persecution.
Discover what Judaism has to say about dreams. Are they a form of prophecy or just nonsense?
Learn all about the history of Chanukah, its deep meaning, customs, and of course, its fattening treats!
DIscover why God tested Abraham so harshly, why God tests us, and how we are meant to approach life's seemingly impossible challenges.
Join Rabbi Ari Enkin for a fascinating presentation on how those who bless Israel prosper and those who curse Israel are doomed (Genesis 12:3).
Rabbi Enkin shares fascinating insights on the story of Noah's Ark and discusses Noah's first project atter leaving the ark: planting a vineyard and getting drunk.
Explore a deeper understanding of Adam and Eve's infamous sin of the forbidden fruit and learn a meaningful lesson for life!
Join us for a special webinar that will teach you all about the unique customs and traditions of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
Take a spriitual journey to discover the unique customs and traditions that Jews observe on Rosh Hashana - the Jewish New Year.
Join Rabbi Enkin for an inspiring talk on repentance, change and repairing our relationship with God.
In this webinar, Rabbi Enkin discusses the commandment of "Bikkurim" - the first fruits that farmers would be required to offer in the Holy Temple.
Rabbi Enkin explores the lesser known, mysterious, and extremely controversial passage of the "Captured Woman in War" (Deut 21:10-14).
This webinar covers the laws of kings, history of the monarchy in the Land of Israel and reviews the lives of King David and Solomon.
Rabbi Enkin explores the history of false prophets and the many false messiahs that appeared throughout Jewish history.
Rabbi Enkin presents different views on the concept of reward and punishment. in Judaism.
This webinar focuses on war in Judaism. How is a Jewish army expected to fight its battles? Are there rules? Does the end justify the means?
This fascinating webinar explores Israel's borders, teaches why knowing the REAL borders is so important and why some tribes never entered the Land of Israel.
This webinar explores the topic and history of zealotry in Judaism along with hot button issues such as collective punishment, taking the law into your own hands and Israel's preemptive strike policies.
This class explores exile and redemption, the promises of the prophets, the meaning of “Zion”, the obligation to immigrate to Israel and much more.
Rabbi Enkin shares the story of Korach with us and then present some of the most famous disputes in Jewish history.
In this webinar Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the sin of the spies and its ramifications and influence to this very day.
In this webinar Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the Israeli Mossad.
In this webinar Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the Temple Mount, the most explosive piece of real estate on earth!
In this webinar Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the double Torah portion of 'Emor' (Leviticus 21:1-24:23).
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel Remembrance and Independence Day.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses Sefirat Ha'omer - the days between Passover and Shavuot.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the topic of blood and blood libels.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses altars, tables and salt in Judaism.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the topics of keeping kosher and intermarriage.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the topic of illness and isolation in Judaism.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the topic of Charity in Judaism.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the topic of honoring parents and in-laws.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the Jewish approach to second marriages.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the concept of names in Judaism.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the 10th of Tevet.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses end of life issues.
In this Contemporary Jewish Issues webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses Chanukah laws and customs.
In this Contemporary Jewish Issues webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the concept of 'dreams' in Judaism.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses why it's hard to find kosher sirloin steak.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the topic of 'travel' in Judaism.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the Jewish perspective on siamese twins.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses 'The Shidduch: Matchmaking and Matchmakers' in Judaism.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses "Hachnasat Orchim: Jewish Hospitality".
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the prominent 'Aleinu' prayer that is recited 3 times every day.
In this webinar on the topic of Sukkot, Rabbi Ari Enkin shares some fascinating teachings about the holiday.
In this Contemporary Jewish Issues webinar, you'll learn all about the Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashana.
In this Contemporary Jewish Issues webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin goes into detail about the topic of Jewish divorce.
In this Contemporary Jewish Issues webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses "The Sanhedrin" - the ancient supreme rabbinical court.
In this Contemporary Jewish Issues webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses Kosher slaughter.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the many blessings that Jews recite each day along with some commentary.
In this Contemporary Jewish Issues webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the Jewish view on intermarriage.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses "Zecher L'churban: Remembering the Destruction of Jerusalem".
In this exciting webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the concept of visiting and connecting with Israel!
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the concept of keeping your word: oaths, vows, and promises.
Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the fascinating subjects of magic, superstition and prophecy.
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses issues and concepts regarding ritual purity in Judaism.
Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the lesser-known ceremony of "Pidyon Haben" - redeeming the first born son.
Rabbi Ari Enkin teaches you all about "Challah" - both the famous bread eaten on Shabbat and the mitzvah of the same name!
Rabbi Ari Enkin teaches you all about the Shabbat experience, including the beautiful, meaningful ritual of lighting Shabbat candles to usher in the Sabbath every Friday evening.