United with Israel

As Search for Kidnappers Goes On, Acts of Terror Continue

While an intense search is ongoing in Judea and Samaria for three boys kidnapped by Hamas terrorists, acts of terror against Israeli civilians continue as usual.

Ongoing acts of terror against Israeli civilians include the placing of an explosive device among cargo. (Photo: UWI)

Palestinian terrorists are continuing their attacks against innocent civilians notwithstanding the current hunt for the kidnappers of three Israeli teenagers and the nearly 200 arrests of Hamas members, including senior officials in the Fatah-Hamas unity government.

For example, at 5 o’clock on Tuesday morning, patrol officers in Samaria were alerted to a serious rock-throwing incident on Highway 5 at the Giti Avissar Junction.

This bus was attacked by rock-throwers in Samaria on Tuesday morning. It was one of several acts of terror in recent days. (Photo: UWI)

According to a source from Judea and Samaria, a patrolman began apprehending a suspect in the “massive” rock-throwing incident aimed at a bus travelling in the area. Police were forced to shoot at the feet of the terrorists, who were “endangering human life,” the source told United with Israel. The senior terrorist, a resident of the Palestinian Arab village of Haras, was taken to Beilinson hospital near Tel Aviv.

Another incident occurred on route 446, between Ofarim and Nili Junctions in Samaria, when IDF soldiers discovered a bomb placed by Palestinian Arabs inside cargo and managed to extinguish it. There were no injuries.

Author: Atara Beck
Staff Writer/Editor, United with Israel

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