United with Israel

Bangladesh Declines Israeli Aid, Citing Political Sensitivities

Rohingya Muslim refugees

Rohingya Muslim refugees. (AP/Dar Yasin)

Citing “the sensitivity involved and the political ramifications that could ensue,” Bangladesh turned down an Israeli offer to help the Muslim Rohingya refugees.

Israel reportedly offered humanitarian aid to Bangladesh to help the Asian country cope with the hundreds of thousands of Muslim Rohingya refugees expelled from Myanmar.

According to a report by Ynet news, Israel clandestinely reached out to Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority country that has no formal diplomatic ties with the Jewish state, to offer a “significant” humanitarian aid package for Rohingya refugees.

Bangladesh expressed gratitude to Israel for the offer, but said it could not accept the aid, the report said.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry is reportedly exploring other routes to deliver humanitarian assistance to the Rohingya refugees, who have purportedly faced ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, a Buddhist-majority country.

Myanmar’s army has reportedly driven out close to 870,000 Rohingya from the country into neighboring Bangladesh over the last several months.

The aid agency Doctors without Borders recently said that 6,700 Rohingya have been killed since late August.

By: JNS.org

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