United with Israel

Boycott Durban III: Why the UN is so Biased Against Israel

: The United Nations has made the democratic State of Israel the target of incessant condemnation while neglecting its mandate in challenging the oppressive regimes around the world.

The following film clip uncovers the factors behind the UN’s bias against Israel. We encourage you to view the clip, forward to friends, and partner with us to counter the hypocrisy and expose the truth.

Join masses of people at a pro-Israel demonstration on September 21, 2011 in holding the United Nations accountable for its actions as the UN launches its third World Conference against Racism (Durban III). The event will take place opposite the UN Headquarters in Dag Hammershald Plaza, NYC at 11:00 AM.

For further information
Website: www.durban3nyc.com | Facebook: Boycott Durban III

Click SHARE to tell your family and friends to protest the hypocrisy of the United Nations against Israel.

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Antisemitism, anti-Israel bias and boycotts are out of control. Israel's enemies are inciting terror and violence against innocent Israelis and Jews around the world. Help us fight back!


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