United with Israel

British Doctors Trying to Expel Israel from World Medical Association

Israeli doctors

Chairman of The Israel Medical Association Dr. Leonid Eidelman (R) seen during an emergency meeting of Israeli Doctors. (Flash90)

British doctors have submitted a request to the World Medical Association to have the Israel Medical Association expelled.

Dr. Ze’ev Feldman, a representative of the Israel Medical Association, said 71 British doctors had reached out to the WMA asking for Israel’s membership to be revoked. He said British medical journals have published letters to the editor carrying accusations against Israeli doctors, including malpractice against Palestinian patients, Israeli news website nrg reported on Wednesday.

The information was brought to light during a hearing for the Knesset Science and Technology Committee, which discussed the academic boycott initiatives adopted by the American Studies Association, the American Anthropological Association and considered by other groups.

Technion President and chairman of the university presidents board Professor Peretz Lavie said during the discussion, “We have no complaints about the academic leadership around the globe. Our problem is on campuses. When it started it was on marginal campuses, but quickly it spread to the leading US campuses. The students who are exposed to these kinds of actions, will be the next generation’s senators, and herein lies the great danger to the long term.”

“The American Anthropological Association wrote in a report that we are apartheid universities. The association decided to put to referendum a boycott of Israeli academia. We must reach each of the 12,000 members of this association. This is a symptom, and if we do not act the fire will spread. There needs to be one place to focus the issue,” he said.

The American Anthropological Association adopted a resolution last year that requires its 12,000 member body to vote on whether to boycott Israeli academic institutions. The vote is expected to happen later this year.

Prof. Zvi Ziegler, president emeritus of the Technion, gave a pessimistic outlook on attempts to forestall boycott efforts in academia.

“We are powerless to stop the tide,” he said. “I am very fearful for the future.”

By: The Algemeiner

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