United with Israel

Car Intifada Continues with Terror Attack in France

French police. (Photo: wikicommons)

Islamic terror has struck France – again. This time it was a continuation of the so-called car intifada, with vehicular attacks against innocent pedestrians.

In what appears to be an extension of the so-called car intifada – wounding and murdering Jews while driving – a Muslim terrorist ran his vehicle into 11 pedestrians in the eastern French city of Dijon Sunday night. Two victims were seriously wounded. The driver reportedly hit pedestrians at four different locations and assaulted security forces when they tried apprehending him.

The terrorist reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” and “this is for the children of Palestine” while mowing down his victims.

Police arrested the assailant, a man in his 40s. Reports indicate there were two other passengers in the car at the time of the attack and that the authorities have launched a manhunt for them.

NBC News quotes French Interior Ministry Spokesman Pierre Henry Brandet as saying, “the man acted alone,” and that the suspect was known to police for crimes committed in the 1990s.

Police claim that he seems to be deranged. AFP reports that he may be transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

This brutal incident occurred just a day after another Muslim terrorist stabbed three French policemen before being shot dead.

By: United with Israel Staff

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