We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The brutal murder of three Israeli boys is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement. Funding the PA is funding terror.

00 days   00 hours : 00 minutes : 00 seconds Plant 3 Treeson behalf of our Boys $36 each2 x Chai=18 (Life) Urgent Request to Help Israeli FarmersObserve Shmita (Sabbatical Year) “…the seventh year shall be a complete rest for the Land”(Leviticus 25:4) Plant Fruit Trees in the Land of Israel …while there is... Read more »

Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and we support all efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.

Imagine hearing a frightening siren blaring “Code Red, Code Red” and having 15 seconds to run for cover. Imagine never being able to walk beyond a short distance of the nearest shelter.

Israel's New Year for Trees has begun! Now is the right time to start planting Fruit Trees in the Land of Israel. Watch your trees of Israel blossom into magnificent expressions of bounty and beauty. Show your love for the Land of Israel and PLANT FRUIT TREES TODAY!

The Chatmar Military Base in Samaria was packed on Thursday evening when busloads of American-Israeli visitors celebrated the Festival of Chanukah and the American Thanksgiving holiday with soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, bringing gift packages of warm clothing and thousands of letters of support from around the world.

On Thursday evening November 28, 2013 (Thanksgiving Day!), the second night of Chanukah, American and Israeli families will join Israeli soldiers on the Chatmar Shomron Military Base to celebrate Chanukah and say “Thank You” to our beloved Israeli soldiers. This army base is just a short distance from Shechem, one of the most violent and dangerous Palestinian-run cities in Samaria, known in Arabic as Nablus.

The Jerusalem Festival is a day of recognition, education and celebration of the history of Jerusalem, the People and the Land of Israel, celebrating their contributions to the world. We share many common principles including democratic values and a call for peace. So let your voice be heard to all by joining us in support of this very special event! Sukkot is one of the pilgrimage festivals in which the Jewish nation descended upon Jerusalem for joyous celebration. We would like to invite you to come celebrate Sukkot and experience a bit of the ancient culture of Israel with us.

The ANI Act Now for Israel Initiative for Israel helps supporters become activists. ANI is Hebrew for I. The Talmudic teachings of ethical and moral principles known as Pirkei Avot record “Hillel used to say: If I am not for myself who will be for me? Yet, if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when?” One person can make a difference in the world. With Social Media we have the ability to share what we learn with friends around the world.

Watch the video of United with Israel's solidarity trip to southern Israel, to install bomb shelters for kindergarten children and plant fruit tree orchards donated by supporters from around the world

United with Israel will be running a very special event on Sunday April 28, coinciding with the holiday of Lag B'Omer. This past November, over 1500 rockets were fired from Gaza into southern Israeli communities. With the help of supporters around the world, UWI has taken concrete steps to support and strengthen the residents of southern Israel. This Sunday, we are able to Support Israel's South by installing bomb shelters and planting fruit trees in southern Israel.

United with Israel hosted a special party to honor Israeli soldiers who protect and defend the people of Israel. The event was held at the Ugdat Aza military base, located just a couple of kilometers from the border with Gaza. This base contains the central command center for Israel’s operations in Gaza and was key to Israel’s success in Operation Pillar of Defense.

On December 12, United with Israel in conjunction with "Thank Israeli Soldiers" is sponsoring an IDF CHANUKAH PARTY. American and Israeli students and families will join together with Israeli soldiers and commanders on a military base located in close proximity to the border with Hamas-controlled Gaza.

We are gathering ONE MILLION signatures from around the world to present to the residents of southern Israel. We encourage you to write a personal note of support that will be included with your name. Dear Friends in southern Israel, We want to express our solidarity with you for all of the pain, fear and hardships that you have endured living under rocket fire from Gaza....

Thanks to the strong support of United with Israel's world community, two bomb shelters were installed in Israeli towns on the outskirts of Ashkelon. Brachia and Hodaya are neighboring moshavim (villages) just a few kilometers from the heart of Ashkelon, a coastal city that has been hit with numerous rocket attacks from Gaza in recent days.

Join our new Facebook Page, already with close to 80,000 fans, whose focus is Israel's Eternal Capital - the Holy City of Jerusalem. The eternal connection between Jerusalem and the Jewish people is unbreakable. In biblical times (11th century BCE), Jerusalem was established as the capital of Israel by King David. Ever since, there has been a formidable Jewish presence in the city whenever historically possible. The Jewish connection to Jerusalem has been overtly proclaimed throughout the centuries when Jews worldwide declare "Next year in Jerusalem".

Israelize is the premier ideas incubator aimed to help young people around the world create, share, plan, and execute thousands of new ways to help Israel. Israelize was founded on the insight that the this generation of Israel supporters have seen enough big bureaucracies, funders, and fear. Instead of always clashing with our enemies, they want to drink from the waters of Israeli creativity. Instead of merely defending Israel, they want to be a part of the Israeli miracle themselves. Above all, they need a framework for achieving their dreams and the freedom to move fast. They need, in other words, to be empowered.

I proudly stand united with the People, Country and Land of Israel. I declare that the Jewish People have the right to live in peace and security in the sovereign State of Israel. I affirm my commitment to actively support, defend and spread the truth about Israel.

Palestinian leaders intend to ask the United Nations to formally recognize a Palestinian State by the summer of 2011. In light of the recent horrific terror attack, in which young Jewish children were slaughtered while sleeping in their beds, we demand that Israeli citizens not be subject to terror and murder from neighboring Palestinian towns.... Read more »