Watch this amazing footage of thousands of Jews dancing and singing around the 2,000-year-old structure after spending a beautiful Shabbat in the ancient city.
This incident occurred after the police counterterrorism unit successfully tracked down and eliminated a three-member Islamic Jihad terror cell in Jenin on Friday night.
'We, of course, would not sanction Russian participation in nuclear projects that are part of resuming full implementation of the JCPOA,' says State Dept. spokesman.
Although Jews have been persecuted from time immemorial, there were periods when they organized themselves into resistance and self-defense movements against our enemies.
Avant la reprise des pourparlers nucléaires entre l’Iran et les puissances occidentales, l’armée israélienne continue de se préparer à la guerre et de développer sa capacité à mener une frappe militaire contre le programme nucléaire de la République islamique en cas d’échec des pourparlers. Source : The Jerusalem Post Extrait de la page Radio Jai... Read more »
The 'obstacle to peace' in the Arab-Israeli conflict is the same obstacle that since 1937 has caused every Palestinian Arab leader to reject peace, before there were any 'occupied territories.'
Last week, Masa held the first international Jewish gathering since the pandemic began, with Masa participants jamming to Israeli music and celebrating.