Despite recent Islamic terror attacks meant to silence it, Charlie Hebdo magazine, which last week lost 10 staff members to terror, continues to exercise its right to free expression.
It lost most of its staff to an Islamic terror attack last week, but Charlie Hebdo French satirical magazine will nevertheless publish a new edition on Wednesday sporting an image of Mohammed on its front cover.
Three million copies of the magazine, nicknamed the “survivors’ edition,” will be printed , as opposed to the usual 30,000.
The cover features an image of Mohammed weeping and holding a sign, stating: “Je suis Charlie.” French for “I am Charlie,” these words have become a slogan of defiance in the face of Islamic terror.
The image is captioned, “All is forgiven,” which French media interpret as a message from Mohammed, forgiving cartoonists for lampooning him.
The edition, which received special funding from the French government, will be translated into 16 languages and distributed in 25 countries.
The cover of the post-attack Charlie Hebdo edition. (Photo:
The magazine is also slated to republish all the previous cartoons that apparently had raised the ire of Muslim terrorists who massacred 12 of the magazine’s staff.
Surviving staff members have been working out of the offices of French daily Libération since the attack, as their own offices remain closed.
The magazine was actually on the verge of bankruptcy, but will now receive extensive aid in the wake of the attack. The French government pledged a million euros; Google pledged 250,000 euros and British daily The Guardian is adding 125,000. The public was also called upon to donate.
Meanwhile, French police said on Monday that as many as six members of a terrorist cell involved in the attacks in France last week, which claimed 17 lives, may still be at large, AP reports.
Hayat Boumeddiene, the 26-year-old accomplice to Amedy Coulibaly, who murdered four Jews at the Hyper Cacher market on Friday, is believed to have escaped from France to Syria via Turkey.
By: United with Israel Staff
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