United with Israel

Chelsea Manager Says Team Not Worried About Security Situation in Israel

Jose Murinho

Jose Murinho. (AP/Thanassis Stavrakis)

In Israel for the Champions League Soccer Match, Jose Murinho, the manager of the Chelsea Football Club, said that he is looking forward to playing in Israel this week against Maccabi Tel Aviv, in spite of the security situation.

Jose Murinho, who is already in Israel with his team to compete against Maccabi in the Champions League soccer match, was asked whether he was worried about the current wave of Palestinian violence sweeping the country, according to Israeli news site nrg.

“I have no worries at all regarding the security situation, and neither do my players,” he said. “I think the best thing to do is focus on football and the happiness it brings you.”

He noted that not a single one of his players had expressed any reluctance to travel to Israel for Tuesday’s match. “I even have a player whose wife is about to have baby any day now, but he’s here, focusing on what he can do for us,” Murinho said. “So we’re here focusing on achievement. We need that for our happiness, our pride and the people who support us.”

He concluded: “Leave security issues to the people who know more about them than we do.”

By: The Algemeiner

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