United with Israel

Cool Story: Israelis Invent Electricity-Free Air Conditioner


A Tel Aviv restaurant using Kensho nitrogen air conditioning units. (Green Kinoko)

Israeli startup Green Kinoko patented a nitrogen AC unit that requires no electricity.

By Pesach Benson, United with Israel

You might think the Kensho air conditioning system only exists in science fiction. After all, it needs no electricity or any other power supply. There are no greenhouse emissions or even wires.

But in fact, this revolutionary air conditioning unit has already been developed and patented by Green Kinoko, an Israeli startup based in Kibbutz Shefayim, near Herzliya. Moreover, according to the NoCamels website, they will be tested in six Tel Aviv restaurants this summer and are expected to hit the general market in the summer of 2023.

Kensho’s secret? Liquid nitrogen.

“We create the energy from the pressure that is created between liquid nitrogen and gas nitrogen,” CEO Tal Leizer told NoCamels.

“We use liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees. When it turns into a gas it creates a very strong pressure and we use that pressure to activate a mechanical engine.”

Leizer explained that her team had been working with cryogenic liquids — liquids at extremely low temperatures — in an unrelated project when they realized nitrogen’s potential value for air conditioning.

“We are now calculating the carbon footprint. We are using liquid nitrogen, which is a byproduct of the oxygen manufactured for hospitals. And our device emits nitrogen, an inert gas that we are breathing,” Leizer explained.

“Compare that to other air conditioners with gas that is toxic and polluting. We don’t have any polluting gases. And we don’t consume electricity. An electric air conditioner adds heat to the atmosphere. We have an alternative that doesn’t add heat to the atmosphere.”

Conventional air conditioning units require large amounts of electricity, and release significant levels of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), which damage the Earth’s ozone layer. Moreover, unclean air conditioning ducts collect dust and bacteria which are spread in the air.

Because the Kensho doesn’t use water, there’s no humidity or noise. A disinfection capsule clears the air of chemicals and bacteria. The unit is portable and can be used for indoor or outdoor use. So restaurants using the Kensho unit will be able to comfortably serve diners outdoors despite the heat.

The nitrogen would have to be replaced every 7-10 days, depending on how the unit is used.

According to NoCamels, the price will be comparable to conventional AC units.

And that’s a cool outcome for the homeowners and businesses sweating through electric bills and also for Mother Earth.



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