United with Israel

Netanyahu: Israel must defend its borders

In face of attempts to infiltrate Israel, Netanyahu says he instructed IDF to act with restraint but to stop all attempts to cross Israel’s borders; “We must understand what we’re up against.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu on Sunday responded to the events of Nakba Day, particularly attempts to infiltrate Israel’s borders with Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, saying “we are determined to defend our borders.”

Netanyahu stated that he had instructed the IDF to act with restraint, but to stop all attempts at infiltration and challenges to Israel’s sovereignty.

The prime minister said that the Nakba Day protesters were not fighting for the 1967 borders as they claim, but were denying Israel’s right to exist.

“We must understand who and what we are up against,” Netanyahu said in a televised statement.

Earlier on Sunday, Netanyahu criticized those who commemorate Nakba Day during the weekly cabinet meeting.

“The state was founded 63 years ago on the basis of the declaration of independence which promises equality of rights for all of our citizens regardless of religion, race and sex,” Netanyahu said.

He added: “When one looks at the region today, Israeli Arabs are the only Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa that enjoy democratic rights, equality and civil rights.”


“I regret that there are extremists among Israeli Arabs and in neighboring countries who have turned the day on which the State of Israel was established, the day on which the Israeli democracy was established, into a day of incitement, violence and rage.”

“There is no place for that,” the prime minister said.

Source: www.jpost.com

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