United with Israel

Buy Your Holiday Gifts from Israel

United with Israel, the largest grassroots movement in support of Israel worldwide, urges supporters of the State of Israel to counter the various boycott campaigns against Israel by purchasing Israeli-made products for the holiday season.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign, which is being promoted by Israel’s enemies, is in full swing. In order to counter the venomous anti-Israel campaign, those concerned for the well-being of the Jewish state would do well to consider beautiful, made-in-Israel items during this holiday season.

Defending the State of Israel is an important mission, but it is not the only reason to choose Israeli brands. Many high-quality gift items, including collector’s items, would surely thrill family and friends and enhance the holiday spirit.

To encourage more shopping of Israeli brands, the Israel Boutique is currently offering an additional 20% off holiday prices. Use promo code ‘SHOPISRAEL’ to receive the discount.

Numerous gift ideas can be found on the Israel Boutique, a newly launched, high-end website (www.theisraelboutique.com), with links to diverse categories and detailed descriptions. Included are specialty coins, biblical and decorative art sculptures and elegant jewelry, to name a few.

Besides helping to fight the boycotts and supporting the Israeli economy, purchasing these products helps to support vital charities in Israel, such as building bomb shelters to protect Israelis living under fire.

Israeli artist Yaron Bob, who “transforms object of war into expressions of peace,” has created unusual hand-sculpted pieces of art made from Kassam rockets that were launched into Israel from Gaza. Sculptures, menorahs, jewelry, key chains and candlesticks are among his diverse products. A portion of the proceeds is earmarked towards building bomb shelters in southern Israel.

Another unique gift would be a top-of-the-line shofar, a religious instrument made from a kosher animal, usually a ram or kudu, that provides a ‘spiritual awakening’ and is used as a means to encourage repentance. Holy Shofar (holyshofar.com) offers an exclusive collection of outstanding pieces.

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem” is an inspiring message written on a sterling-silver pendant that would be worn close to one’s heart. That meaningful phrase also appears on a proof-like nickel coin that is one among many choices, including gold and silver as well as limited editions, at the Jerusalem Mint. Another shop, Jerusalem Stone Treasures, features a stunning collection of art sculptures and judaica crafted from authentic Jerusalem stone and marble.

Magnificent gemstones depicting the Old City of Jerusalem, Masada, the Galilee and more are used for products of Israeli Jewels (israelijewels.com). The Joy of Galilee necklace – an artistic, 17-inch silver pendant with pearl, aventurine and garnet, available with a matching ring – is a stunning sample of these exceptional pieces.

Whether it’s a piece of jewelry, a book or even a bookmark, any product created with authentic biblical blue would make a spiritually uplifting gift. “Biblical blue” (techelet, in Hebrew) is mentioned several times in the Holy Book, such as the biblical blue thread that was an essential component of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and thread of that color used for certain ritual garments, as commanded in the Bible.

That unique shade of blue was also identified with royalty in Biblical times. Now, after 1500 years, the color has been restored. For a choice of items including jewelry bookmarks and more, all with that brilliant, inspiring color, visit the brand new Biblical Blue website.

And for those planning a trip to Israel, a most practical gift would be the “Love to Learn Hebrew” easy-learning CD language program.

United with Israel encourages you to fight the anti-Israel boycotts by buying Israeli gifts this holiday season. While enjoying a pleasant and rewarding shopping experience, you will be taking an active role in standing united with the People, Country and Land of Israel.

Send Passover Packages to Needy Israeli Soldiers - Bring Them Joy!

We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to protect the citizens of Israel. Since October 7th, soldiers have been on the battlefield for months - many are hoping to come home for Passover.

Join us in sending Passover food packages (and personal notes) to Israeli soldiers and their families.

Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home. The soldiers greatly appreciate your love and concern. Bring them Passover joy!


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