Entertainment giant ViacomCBS gave Jew-hater Nick Cannon his walking papers after footage emerged of his promotion of the bizarre anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of prominent hate groups.
On an episode of Nick Cannon’s podcast, called “Cannon’s Class” despite the fact that it’s a platform for falsehoods, the former child star and current talent show host discussed racism with notorious anti-Semite and never-was entertainer Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin, who was once famously canned from the group Public Enemy for his Jew hatred.
On the podcast in question, Griff and Cannon ran through a greatest hits of anti-Semitic conspiracies, referencing the Rothschilds, global banking cabals, and fantasies about “fake Jews” stealing the “birthright” from the “true Hebrews.”
ViacomCBS apparently had enough of Cannon promoting Jew-hatred to the next generation and has fired Cannon.

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