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Information de l'image
Date de prise: 12-Nov-2014 16:34:55Tous droits réservés (copyright): Copyright (c) Flash 90 2014
Sources: Flash90
Titre: .
Libellé: An Israeli Border Policewoman stands guard during a demonstration in Issawiya, East Jerusalem, against the new cement blockades at the entrances to Issawiya, on November 12, 2014. The blocks were placed in several East Jerusalem neighborhoods following a number of terror attacks over the last couple of weeks. Photo by Hadas Parush/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** îùèøä îùîø äâáåì îâ"á ùåèøú éùøàìé òéñàååéä îæøç éøåùìéí äôâðä áèåðãåú îçñåîéí ëðéñä ëôø òøáéí ôìñèéðéí ôéâåòéí
Appareil photo: Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
Focale: 118mm
Ouverture: f/4
ISO: 640
Vitesse d'obturation: 1/250 second