Israeli riot police seen during clashes following Friday prayers at Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound on September 6, 2013. Israeli police fired stun grenades at stone-throwing Palestinian protesters after Friday prayers in Jerusalem's Old City, arresting 15 of them, police said. Photo by Sliman Khader/Flash 90 *** Local Caption *** äúôøòåéåú éøåùìéí äòéø äòúé÷ä îñâã àì à÷öà äôâðä äø äáéú úôéìåú òøáéí ùåèø ùåèøéí éñ"î Sliman Khader/Flash 90
Israeli riot police on the Temple Mount. (Sliman Khader/Flash 90)

L’attaque a eu lieu dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem. Un policier israélien a été blessé.

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