United with Israel

French Leader Seeks to Ban Kippahs in Public

Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen. (AP/Claude Paris)

France’s far-right National Front Party leader Marine Le Pen said in an interview Sunday she will ban the public display of all religious symbols and clothing if elected president in the 2017 national elections.

Jewish and Christian symbols, such as wearing kippahs and crosses, would be outlawed in public along with the Muslim hijab and burka.

Le Pen said in a radio interview with France’s BFMTV channel, this sacrifice would be made in the name of “national interest” to “confront the rise in power and extremely strong pressure of political Islam that uses women and the veil to advance their propositions,” Yediot Aharonot reported.

“I know it is a sacrifice, but I think the situation is terrible these days…I know that every French person, including [French] Jews can understand that if we ask for this sacrifice from them [in the framework] of the battle against the advance of Islamic extremism, they will make this effort and understand it,” Le Pen said, as reported by the Times of Israel.

France’s current ban on religious symbols, which applies only to state schools, was signed into law in 2004.

By: JNS.org

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