United with Israel

Germany Cancels Sports Agreement with Terror-Promoting PA Official

Jibril Rajoub

Senior Palestinian official Jibril Rajoub. (AP/Nasser Shiyoukhi)

The German Olympic Sports Federation canceled a partnership with the Palestinian Football Association after its chairman was exposed as a promoter of terrorism.

The German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB) canceled a recently announced partnership with the Palestinian Football Association (PFA) because of evidence publicized by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), a media watchdog which monitors incitement by the Palestinian Authority, showing that the head of the PFA encourages terrorism against Israelis.

According to the Federation’s spokeswoman, Ulrike Spits, Germany called off the deal because “not all partners are committed to the high values of sport.”

Under the 400,000 Euro agreement, Germany had planned to send sports expert Gert Engels to coach the Palestinian football team over a period of two years. The agreement, the first of its kind, was co-signed by German representative Peter Beerwerth and PFA Chairman Jibril Rajoub.

Immediately after the deal was signed, PMW released a bulletin, titled “Germany signs sports agreement with terror-promoting PA official,” exposing Rajoub as a virulent promoter of terrorism.

“Whoever carried out individual acts of heroism (i.e., terror attacks), we in the Fatah movement bless and encourage them. We consider them heroes and a crown on the head of every Palestinian,” stated Rajoub on official PA TV in January 2016.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) followed up with an official complaint to the DOSB, drawing documentation from PMW’s “The Rajoub File.”

On Tuesday, the German daily taz.de reported that DOSB has withdrawn from the partnership.

Rajoub, a former terrorist who spent time in Israeli prisons for his involvement in terrorism, has abused his position as head of the PFA to assail Israel at international forums.

In July 2013, he stated that “fascists can learn a lesson from this state [of Israel]. This government — there is none more brazen in human history… We’ll suspend their [FIFA] membership and this way we’ll screw them… I won’t agree to any joint game between Arabs and Israel.”

In a classic anti-Semitic statement, he stated in 2012 that “under no circumstances will there be normalization… No Jews, no Satans, no Zionist sons of bitches.”

He has tried and is still trying to oust Israel from FIFA (international football association), but so far has failed.

By: United with Israel Staff

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