United with Israel

Glenn Beck at Knesset: Esther and Ruth Guided Me

: United with Israel members attended this amazing event today in the Knesset. It was an outpouring of emotion, joy and support for the millions of people in the world who want to hear the truth about Israel. We thank Glenn Beck for delivering that very important message to Israel and the world.

Glenn Beck told the Knesset Aliyah and Absorption Committee that the Biblical Esther and Ruth have guided him as he stands up for Israel.

“Esther knew she had no choice but to come out and speak,” he said, referring to Queen Esther’s risking her life to save the Persian Jewish community. “I knew I had no choice but to speak the truth. I came here in 2002, looked for the truth, and when I got home, I received my first death threat.”

Speaking of Ruth, a non-Jew who followed her Jewish mother-in-law Naomi from Moab to Israel and then converted, Beck said, “Your people are my people and I will go where you will go. Your G-d is my G-d. I invite the People of Israel to stand with your G-d.”

”We have to believe in common decency, link arms, and G-d will do the rest.”

Beck spoke at the committee hearing at the invitation of committee chairman Danny Danon (Likud) and Shas Knesset Member Nissim Ze’ev. The panel wanted to hear Beck’s views on fighting the worldwide campaign trying to make Israel seem illegitimate.

“The world has changed. People now have power,” Beck told the committee. He explained that the Internet has allowed people to be more accessible to the truth, which he said has been censored by mainstream media.

“The world is being changed by a few guys in the basement writing on the Internet. The truth will set you free. Forget the [mainstream] media,” Beck added.

“Rulers want to control, and that is where there is trouble,” Beck told the committee and guests. “I am truly humbled and disturbed by what people say to me on the street… People sincerely thank me for saying the truth. What is disturbing is that if a guy just gets on television or radio and says that [and gets thanked for telling the truth], Israel and Western life is danger.”

Before delivering his message, Beck thanked Dr. Joseph Prager, Dr. Paul Brody and Odeleya Jacobs, three Zionist figures in the United States, for their support.

He said that the demands of the Palestinian Authority are another excuse for the world to continue a centuries-old campaign of anti-Semitism, which he said is “going through the roof. The United States has an economic problem and the Jews will be blamed.”

The Arab-Israeli conflict is “about the end of West and the destruction of Israel,” according to Beck.

He asked Israelis to join him in Jerusalem on August 24 when he is scheduled to hold a “Restoring Courage” rally, similar to the Restoring Honor rally in Washington last year. The rally next month will be views worldwide on at least 700 remote viewing stations.

Source: Israel National News

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