United with Israel

Good News Archive: May 21, 2023

Training Bedouin to save lives; The first Israeli to star solo at MSG; Six days of miracles; and much more!

by: Michael Ordman


Successful skin cancer treatment

A small trial of Alpha DaRT from Israel’s Alpha Tau (see here previously) was 100% successful in treating 10 patients with skin cancer. All were 100% clear at 12 weeks with no recurrence or toxicities in 24 weeks.

Proton cancer therapy trials

Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center has partnered Israel’s P-Cure (see here previously) and has begun trials of its focused proton radiation therapy for cancer patients. Meanwhile, Tel Aviv’s Sourasky (Ichilov) Medical Center is to install proton radiation machines from Belgium’s IBA.

Preventing strokes from CAD

Israel’s InspireMD (see here previously) has just completed the first in-human trial of its CGuard Prime stent that opens blocked Carotid Arteries and traps dangerous emboli released. Carotid Artery Disease (CAD) can stop blood flow to the brain and cause a stroke.


Why female Alzheimer’s patients rapidly decline

Hebrew University researchers have discovered that women lose certain mitochondria (maternally inherited) RNA molecules in their brains much faster than men. This adversely affects the neurotransmitter that plays a role in memory, learning, attention, and more.


Where does creativity come from?

A study at Israel’s Beilinson hospital is looking at why many Parkinson’s patients develop an obsessive desire to take up art or creative writing for the first time. Researchers are investigating if the area of the brain affected by the disease is also responsible for creativity.

Hospital testing goes virtual

Israel’s Sheba Medical Center has partnered with Israel’s Mpcheck and Israel’s Teva to allow Teva’s employees to perform medical tests at their workplace or at home. Sheba Virtual Hospital’s “Beyond” tests include blood, urine, cervical cancer, hearing and more.

One number to call them all

Israel is to unify the emergency medical hotline number. Currently, each medical emergency service has its own number – 101 for Magen David Adom, 1221 for United Hatzalah etc. Subject to Knesset approval, the public will just call 101, which all services can respond to.

Biomed Israel 2023

One of the sessions at Biomed 2023 is personal nutrition. It is a field of technology based on multidisciplinary research that utilizes AI and machine learning to tailor unique nutrition recommendations.

Speak to an AI expert anytime

Israel’s Wolfson Medical Center in Holon is using artificial intelligence to monitor female cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in partnership with Israel’s XOLTAR ai. Patients receive personal, round-the-clock support tailored to their individual needs based on AI analyzed data.



Hospitals to speak our language

Israel’s Yad L’Olim has obtained permanent state funding for public hospitals to employ medical experts who speak the languages of Olim as their mother tongues to assist Olim patients with translations. They include English, French, Russian, and Amharic (Ethiopian).


Bad guys doing good

On 4th May (“May the Fourth be with you”) in an Israeli capital city not so far away… Star Wars fans flocked to the Tower of David Museum. They met villains from the 501st legion of Star Wars fame who call themselves “Bad Guys Doing Good”, visiting children in hospitals, schools, and the periphery.

Training Bedouin to save lives

Israeli emergency NGO United Hatzalah, with support from the Rifman Institute, have been giving first aid training to students in Bedouin communities in the south of Israel. They are then able to respond to emergencies, assist UH responders and be ambassadors to the Bedouin community.



Lifeless PA Arab revived

A 63-year-old Palestinian Arab man was brought to the Hashmonaim Crossing by relatives after suffering a cardiac arrest. Israeli security guards immediately initiated CPR. United Hatzalah volunteer EMTs plus other paramedics eventually managed to get a pulse and the patient was taken to hospital.

Jerusalem Post Conference in NYC

The Jerusalem Post’s annual conference takes place in New York City on Jun 5. The extensive list of scheduled speakers includes top Israeli diplomats, politicians, entertainers, high-tech innovators and thought leaders. Tickets are available at the following site.

Visa agreement with Japan

A work-vacation visa agreement has been signed between Japan and Israel. Each year 200 young Israelis aged 18 – 30 can combine work and studies in Japan for up to one year. In addition, Israeli high-tech, cyber, health, and agriculture personnel will be able to work in Japan.


Israel Space Week

The first Israeli mission to the Moon ended in a crash landing. But the new generation of Moon landers for SpaceIL’s Beresheet 2 is inspiring a new generation of Israelis.  https://video.i24news.tv/#/content/6327467640112

Futuristic Israeli transportation

Mobility 360 is the theme for the 11th annual EcoMotion Week (May 22 – 24) at Expo TLV. It is where the smart mobility sector intersects with the development of smart cities, transportation, connectivity, automobiles, infrastructure, logistics, supply chain and much more.

Igniting deep tech

Intel has selected 10 more Israeli startups for its 8th Ignite accelerator cohort, covering tech areas of AI/ML, cybersecurity, hardware, and Web 3.0.  They are Akooda, Hossted, InsidePacket, Ox Security, Pelanor, Phononics, PVML, Speedb, Tweed, and VOCAI.







The Volcani agriculture center

Israel’s Volcani Center Agricultural Research Organization, the brainchild of, Yitzhak Elazari Wilkanski, has helped turn Israel into one of the world’s champions for agricultural innovation. Today it encompasses Animal and Plant sciences, Soil, water & environment, Agri-engineering, & Postharvest.

Israeli agriculture can feed the world

Tel Aviv University scientists have made a technical breakthrough that can massively improve the yields of crops and their resistance to drought, disease, and pests. Their research promises to reveal the previously hidden role of families of genes that make up 80% of the genome of plants.


For your eyes only – the world’s first AR laptop

Israel’s Sightful has revealed its revolutionary new Spacetop laptop with no physical screen. It comes with augmented reality (AR) glasses, almost the size of regular eyeglasses. For spectacle wearers, they are manufactured with lenses tailored to the user’s prescription.


Global InfoSec Award

Israel’s Backslash Security (see here previously) won “Editor’s Choice for Application Security” in the 11th Annual Global InfoSec Awards in San Francisco. Backslash also won the Cyber Top Innovations award, presented by Enterprise Security Tech.

Firefighting planes

Elbit Systems (see here previously) will provide aerial firefighting services until 2031 to Israel’s Ministry of National Security through a fleet of 14 aircraft. The squadron will be operated under the guidance of the Israeli Police in coordination with the Fire and Rescue Authority.

Disaster response systems for Asia

Israel’s Gilat Satellite Networks (see here previously) is to provide VSATs for an advanced disaster response network in Asia. It will enable voice services, video feeds, multicasts, emergency alerts, mobility services, and more, for governments, individuals and first responders.

NIS 1 billion for solar projects

Israel’s Doral Energy (see here previously) has signed a financial agreement to fund Israel’s largest portfolio of solar-integrated storage projects. The lenders’ consortium led by Mizrahi Bank will provide financing of over NIS 1 billion. Doral will connect its network to Israel’s electricity grid.


Gas pipeline to Egypt to be expanded

Israel’s cabinet has approved a new 65km pipeline between Ramat Hovav and the border with Egypt that will allow an extra 6 billion cubic meters of natural gas to be exported to Egypt annually. It will increase annual revenues from royalties and taxes by hundreds of millions of shekels.

Cyber security accord with Korea

The Israeli High-Tech Association has signed an agreement with the Korea Information Security Industry Association (KISIA) aimed at fostering ties and encouraging business cooperation between cybersecurity and information security companies in both countries.

Jerusalem’s new rail stations

Ahead of Jerusalem Day, Israel’s Transportation Ministry published new sketches of two new train stations planned for the center of Jerusalem.  See also here previously.

Business with US state of Georgia

Brian Kemp, the governor of the US state of Georgia, is making an economic development trip to Israel. Israeli companies employ more than 1,000 Georgians. Georgia exported $280 million and imported $650 million in goods and services to Israel last year.

An accelerator for IDF veterans

The IDF’s Mamram technological unit, founded in 1959, has a network of some 12,000 alumni who have founded around a quarter of Israel’s $1 billion Unicorn startups. The Mamram Alumni Association’s Mamram Space accelerator program (now in Batch 6) is helping to grow Israeli startups.



Are you drinking enough?

Another NoCamels article about Israel’s impacX (see here previously) with its smart bottle, vibrating top, and app that reminds you to drink more water.  impacX has partnered several distributing companies and recently launched the smart bottle in Israel “as a full country pilot”.


Look who’s developing quantum computers

Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is joining the board of directors of Israel’s Quantum Source (see here previously) which is developing an Israeli quantum computer. Before entering politics Bennett co-founded Cyota ($145 million exit) and was CEO of Soluto ($100 million).

Exits, takeovers and mergers to 21/5/23

Australia’s Aristocrat has acquired Israeli-founded NeoGames for approximately $1.2 billion. IBM has acquired Israel’s Polar Security for $60 million.

Investment in Israeli startups to 21/5/23:

Sightful raised $33 millionLaguna Health raised $15 millionSWAPP raised $11.5 millionSpinframe raised $8 millionVisual Layer raised $7 millionCryptoHub raised $6 millionEntro Security raised $6 million;


Open House

Open House Tel Aviv (May 18-20) offered more than 180 tours, meetings and talks at public buildings, private homes, and public spaces throughout the city. They included the Yitzhak Sadeh Park urban renewal project, Bloomfield Stadium, the French Ambassador’s residence, and the Islamic Court of Justice.

Roman cargo ship discovered off Netanya coast

A swimmer has discovered a rare cargo of 1,800-year-old marble artifacts on an ancient merchant ship shipwrecked off the coast of Beit Yanai near Netanya. The swimmer was awarded a certificate of appreciation for good citizenship.

The Rest of the World votes for Israel

Noa Kirel’s ‘Unicorn’ may have finished 3rd in the Eurovision Song Contest, but she received ‘maximum points’ from “The Rest of the World” – an additional nonparticipating “country”. It comprised audiences voting for the first time, including both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The first Israeli to star solo at MSG

Orthodox singer Ishay Ribo will be the first Israeli to star solo at Madison Square Garden. The concert is scheduled for the middle of the Hebrew month of Elul, when Selichot, special penitential prayers, are said in anticipation of the High Holy Days.

Luxury cruising

MSC Musica, weighing 92,409 tons and carrying over 3000 passengers, is the largest ship to sail from Israel this summer. It will depart from Haifa port every Thursday until November, visiting Limassol (Cyprus), Mykonos, Piraeus, and Santorini (Greece), and Kusadasi (Turkey).

Rare visitor to Israeli beach

The Israel Nature and Parks Authority reported that, for the first time, a rare Mediterranean monk seal has come ashore onto a beach in central Israel. It has been basking in the warm sunshine for 3 days, with volunteers protecting it until it decides to return to sea.

The best summer location

Club Méditerranée, also known as Club Med, named Jerusalem, the best destination for a sunny summer vacation worldwide. Israel’s capital city topped the list with an overall score of 74 out of 100.


Muay Thai gold medal

An Israeli won gold in the Under-57kg men’s category at the International Federation of Muay Thai Associations (IFMA) World Championships in Bangkok, Thailand. His name is Ruach Hashem Bichayanu Gordon!  Another Israeli, Maxim Branis, won silver in the Under-67kg category.


A 2000-year receipt

A stone tablet fragment was recently discovered during excavations in the City of David, Jerusalem. It bears the name “Shimon”, the letter Mem (for ma’ot – money) and symbols for numbers. It has been identified as a receipt and allows a glimpse into everyday life in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago.

So much is happening on Jerusalem streets

Recent events in Israel’s capital include the International Writers’ Festival; an official visit by the President of Kenya; Lag B’Omer, weddings, the show “Dare to Dream”, mass cyclist ride; and the opening of the new suspension walking bridge.

Only in Israel

When Israeli star musician Idan Raichel performed in Ramat Gan, he admitted to the audience that he had forgotten to buy diapers for his twin 2-year-old boys. At the end of the concert, Ramat Gan’s Mayor presented Idan with a pack of diapers. And when he got backstage, he found two more packs, bought by fans.

Moses buys bible for $38 million

Alfred Moses purchased the Codex Sassoon at Sotherby’s in New York for $38 million. It was the most ever paid for a book at auction. He then generously donated it to Tel Aviv’s ANU Museum of the Jewish People where it will be displayed as part of the permanent collection.

The largest donation to an Israeli hospital

Californians Dr. Susan and Dr. Henry Samueli made a $25 million donation to the Rabin Medical Center’s Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva. It will be used to establish an integrative cancer pioneering institute at the Davidoff Center which treats one in seven Israeli cancer patients.

Be positive

Both in good times and in difficult times, this message needs to be publicized and emphasized.




March of Nations celebrate Israel 75 in Jerusalem

Thousands of participants from around the world joined the “March of Nations” event in Jerusalem to celebrate Israel’s 75th year of independence. It was led by Arie Itamar who originally arrived in pre-state Israel, at the age of seven, on the ship Exodus.

Jerusalem Day and Shavuot (Pentecost)

Jacob Richman has been updating his website resources for the recent festivals.  Please have a look, use, and share.


Six days of miracles

Please watch this inspiring video to accompany Jerusalem Day – Yom Yerushalayim.


Celebrate Israel on June 4th

If you are in around New York and Long Island, don’t miss the opportunity to join the festivities at the “Celebrate Israel Parade” on Sunday, June 4. This year’s theme of “Israel @ 75: Renewing the Hope”. Floats, bands and performers will parade up Fifth Avenue from 57th Street to 74th Street.

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