United with Israel

Good News Israel! 400 Years of US-Israel Bond, Helping French Medics Make Aliyah, and More!

US Israel


US-Israel bond spans four centuries, 3-million-shekel project to bring hundreds of healthcare professionals from France to the Galilee, Canadian defender of Israel honored, and much more!

By Michael Ordman


400 years of US-Israel bond

The Founding Fathers set sail from England to America in 1620, inspired by the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land of Israel. Symbols of America’s Biblical heritage can be seen right across the USA and most US Presidents have championed the Jewish State.

Helping French medics make Aliya

KKL-JNF, Nahariya Municipality and NGO Kehilot Yisrael have begun a NIS 3 million project to bring hundreds of doctors and healthcare professionals from France and settling them in the Galilee. In a pilot project 14 doctors and their families moved to Nahariya three months ago.

Canadian defender of Israel honored

Toronto non-Jewish lawyer Jacques Gauthier was awarded the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation’s inaugural Advocate Award of Excellence. His 1,100-page doctoral thesis supports and proves Jewish sovereignty over all of Jerusalem. It took him 25 years to complete.

Making their way home

A couple who made Aliyah in 1989 have returned to visit the former Soviet Union. They found empty synagogues and remnants of large communities that have since relocated to the Jewish State.

Operation Rock of Israel

In the opening flight of Operation Rock of Israel, 316 members of the Falash Mura community from Ethiopia landed in Israel on Thursday morning on a flight from Gondar. Approximately 100 more were due to arrive on Friday, and a total of 2,000 new Olim by end Jan 2021. Even the BBC reported it.

Israeli 100-year-old hero has return flight

South African-born Harold “Smoky” Simon, who flew in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, celebrated his 100th birthday by flying a vintage Tiger Moth around the Sde Te’eman airfield, near Beersheva. His two sons, both ex-IAF pilots, went with him for the ride.

100 years young

Kurt Rothschild, President of World Mizrachi, will hopefully mark his 100th birthday on the first day of Chanukah.  Every day, until the coronavirus pandemic hit earlier this year, he reported for duty in his Jerusalem office. Every institution in the religious Zionist world, has benefitted from his assistance.

On a roll

With so many recent discoveries of ancient Jewish artifacts in Israel it was only a matter of time before archaeologists chanced upon part of a game that Jews might have played during Chanukah 2,000 years ago. A die cube from the second Temple period was unearthed at the Khirbet Kfar Mor site in Beit El.


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