United with Israel

Good News Archive: Week of November 15, 2015

Good News Israel Archive from the week of November 15, 2015: Israel sees success in Leukemia treatment trials; Israelis are training Latin American water experts and much more.

By: Michael Ordman



Success in Leukemia treatment trials

Israel’s BiolineRx has reported positive results from Phase II trials of its BL-8040 treatment in relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia (r/r AML). It had a triple positive effect on the leukemic cells only two days after a single cycle of therapy.

Genetic mutation explains how ovaries develop

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have uncovered a key gene responsible for ovary development. Four members of the same family had mutated Nup107 genes causing infertility. The discovery has widespread implications for research in cell biology.

US can now access Israeli stem cell research

For over 30 years Israel’s Biological Industries has been providing cell culture media development, molecular and diagnostics tools, and stem cell research products in more than 50 countries. It now has set-up its first USA division in Cromwell Connecticut.

US approval for unique Israeli dialysis device

The US FDA has approved the Chameleon from Israel’s AV Medical Technologies. Chameleon is the world’s first and only angioplasty balloon catheter that allows for simultaneous balloon inflation and intravascular injection of fluids while maintaining guidewire access. Over two million angioplasty balloon catheters are used annually worldwide to maintain dialysis access.

Prize for discovering link from brain to immune system

On the anniversary of Chaim Weizmann’s death, KKL-JNF awarded the Blumberg Outstanding Medical Research Scientist Prize to Weizmann Professor Michal Schwartz for her groundbreaking research into the connection between the brain and the immune system.



Israeli doctors saving Palestinian Arab babies

A video to accompany my August’s newsletter article from Israel21c about Hadassah Hospital’s “Heart for Peace” that has saved the lives of over 600 Palestinian Arab children.

Druze Arabs promote Israel in US

A delegation of young Druze leaders from medicine, law enforcement and the IDF is visiting Boston, Los Angeles and New York, to spread awareness of their community’s unique place in Israel’s multicultural society. There are 104,000 Druze in Israel. 86% serve in the IDF.

Israel has saved the lives of many US servicemen

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter praised the Israeli solution to improvised explosive devices (IEDs). “The Israelis were really quite ingenious in this area and we got a lot from them. There’s no question that lives were saved as a consequence of their (help)”.

Israeli elephant donates money for Thai elephants

The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo donated $1,500 for an elephant hospital in Lampang. The check was delivered to the Thai Ambassador to Israel by a Biblical Zoo elephant named Tamar, who presented it to the Ambassador in her trunk.

Training Latin American water experts

24 water experts from 10 Latin America countries took part in a water resources management course run by Israel’s Center for International Agricultural Development Cooperation and MASHAV.


The best veggie food in the world

Tel Aviv has the world’s best vegetarian restaurants, according to Conde Nast Traveler magazine. It recommends several, including a Georgian vegan restaurant and an Ethiopian vegan cafe. Israel has some 300,000 vegans, the highest per capita anywhere in the world.



1 gigabit Internet speed

Israeli chip design startup Sckipio is working with Intel to deliver 1 gigabit per second Internet access across existing copper phone lines.

Experience flying on a paper airplane

I featured Israeli startup PowerUp’s remote controlled paper airplane previously in Jun 2014. Following its success, PowerUp has now installed a live streaming camera on the plane so you can experience being on-board the plane. PowerUp will be crowdfunding on KickStarter soon.


Pollution emissions down significantly

Israel’s Pollution register of 500 companies shows that pollution has decreased between 18% – 53% since 2012. Key factors include the use of better technology, reduced discharges and vapor recovery systems.

Catching the Rain in Kenya

Israel’s Ambassador to Kenya launched the first of 45 “Catch the Rain” Projects in Kenya’s Kisii County. Each includes a 30,000-liter rainwater harvesting kit, a fish pond, a greenhouse and drip irrigation units. Israeli-run Amiran Kenya supplied much of the equipment for the project.

Revolutionizing the delivery business

Israeli start-up Wave is bringing the digital revolution to the merchandise shipping industry. It is using innovative technology to share the “bill of lading” securely between all interested parties. The idea has many other applications, and even the United Nations is interested.

Israel’s largest solar field

Israel has inaugurated its largest photovoltaic energy field with a capacity of 55 megawatts. Built by Enlight Renewable Energy the field covers 800 dunam (200 acres) in the Western Negev, and contains 180,000 solar collectors.

A disposable smartphone charger

Israeli startup mobeego is launching its mobeego disposable charger, which can provide up to 4 hours of charge to any smartphone battery. The charging unit weighs 24gms and will be on sale for $2.50 each at kiosks, stations, airports, stores, sports and entertainment venues.

Open the bottle to make a wish

Coca-Cola Israel worked with Gefen Team and Qdigital, to produce special bottles that, on opening, sends a Wi-Fi signal to a mini drone (unmanned plane) that then flies to 1,000 feet and releases a firework, to resemble a shooting star. It just shows what technology can do.

Israeli eyes for London trucks

London Mayor Boris Johnson revealed during his Israel visit that London is purchasing 200 multi-vision smart sensors from Israel’s Mobileye. They will give drivers of London’s refuge trucks “a third eye” to help them avoid collisions with cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians.

Testing mobile apps

Over 1500 customers, including about 50% of the Fortune 100 companies, use Israel’s Perfecto Mobile to test their mobile apps. Perfecto has just raised another $35 million of funding.



Fortune changes at irrigation company

Israel’s Rivulis Irrigation was losing $50 million a year when in 2014 it was acquired by Venture Capitalists FIMI for $60 million. New management and partnering India’s Dhanna Engineering now values Rivulis at $170 million.

Starting up with the right team

The most successful businesses are run by the best teams. So Israel’s Maverick Ventures organized the Co-Founders Speed Dating and Pitching Event in Tel Aviv to allow entrepreneurs, programmers and marketing experts to build teams that could launch the next Waze.

Digital marketer opens Israeli innovation lab

Israeli-founded Origami Logic is based in Silicon Valley, California, but global expansion means it needs to open a tech innovation lab in Israel. Origami produces digital marketing analysis for companies such as Visa, Cisco, Intel and Pernod Ricard.



Taking the drudge out of sales work

Israel’s Pepperi successfully markets its cloud-based sales software suite in 60 countries to 1000 businesses such as cards and gifts maker Hallmark. Pepperi handles the filing, typing, order tracking etc., allowing the sales person simply to sell.

Gett launches courier service

Israel’s Gett (formally Gett Taxis) is launching a courier service that will pick up a parcel within ten minutes of a call and deliver it for a charge of NIS 25-55 depending on area. The service will initially operate in Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and Givatayim.

RyanAir starts flights to Eilat

Low cost airline Ryanair has begun its new service from Israel’s Ovda Airport, near Eilat, to Budapest, Krakow and Kaunas (Kovno) for as low as €10 one way. Passengers also receive a gift basket that includes Ahava hand cream and chocolate.

More Aeroflot flights

Russia’s Aeroflot airline is adding more flights on its routes from Moscow and St Petersburgh to Tel Aviv. Aeroflot only began services to Israel five years ago and soon will be operating 37 flights a week. The change reflects increased trade between Russia and Israel’s Russian immigrants.

A Chinese Zionist venture capitalist

Benjamin Peng attended the Go4Israel conference in Tel Aviv wearing a kippah (scull-cap). Three years ago he founded Chinese investment firm Yafo Capital (“Yafo” is the Hebrew name of the city of Jaffa) along with two Chinese partners. He even proposed to his girlfriend at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.


Boris sells London to Israeli start-ups

London Mayor Boris Johnson came to Israel to get more Israeli technology companies to expand to London and IPO on its stock markets. London has 141 Israeli tech firms of which 16 are listed on the London Stock Exchange, with a combined market value of £3.7 billion.

Michigan’s common bond with Israel

A delegation of 20 CEOs from the US State of Michigan came to Israel to see what makes the entrepreneurial ethos of “Start-Up Nation” tick. They were most surprised to learn from Israel about inner-city security and the automotive industry.

http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/columnists/daniel-howes/2015/11/09/howes-tech-savvy-israelis-carve-niche-global-auto-space/75493346/ http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/columnists/daniel-howes/2015/11/05/howes-israels-business-reality-challenges-perception/75194468/

Encouraging customers to respond

Israel’s Apester encourages business customers to respond to polls, quizzes and other types of interactive content.

New fund for Agriculture innovation

Yissum Research – the technology-transfer company of the Hebrew University, has set up Agrinnovation, an investment fund focused on agricultural inventions. One of its first projects is an innovative protective coating for extending the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables.



Deer returned to Carmel forest

Fallow deer have just been released into the wild of the Carmel Park. It is an encouraging sign of the restoration of the forest, nearly five years after the largest fire in Israeli history swept through the area, destroying much of the natural habitat.

One of the most hipster neighborhoods

Gan Hahashmal (‘Electric Garden’ in Hebrew) is home to a growing community of young indie fashion designers and other artist types in southern Tel Aviv. The quarter is spread over the streets Allenby, Yehuda Halevy, Barzilay and Hahashmal and offers a host of boutiques, restaurants, cafes and creative spaces. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/picturegalleries/11667790/The-worlds-most-hipster-neighbourhoods.html?frame=3342854

Jerusalem’s giant interactive flowers

Israeli design group HQ Architects has brought Jerusalem’s city center to life with fantastical flower sculptures that blossom and move, as people walk by.

Foreigner to perform in Caesarea

British-American hard rock band Foreigner will perform at the Caesarea Amphitheater on June 14 (the same night as the Simply Red concert) and June 15. Foreigner’s hits include “Cold as Ice”, “Waiting for a Girl Like You” and “I Want to Know What Love Is”.

Two Israeli concerts for Chris Cornell

Chris Cornell will be giving two concerts in Israel in May 2016 – in Tel Aviv and Caesarea. He was lead vocalist both Soundgarden and Audioslave and was ranked 4th in “Heavy Metal’s All-Time Top 100 Vocalists”. He played the theme tune on the James Bond remake of Casino Royale.

“Together against the Odds”

A chance to see this two-person comedy musical about falling in love, converting and making Aliya. In Zichron Yaakov on 17 Nov and Ra’anana on 23 Nov. See the youtube.



Terrorist stabbing saves Jewish man’s life

In Rishon LeTzion an Arab terrorist stabbed kashrut supervisor Daniel Cohen in the shoulder, chest and stomach. Amazingly, no vital organs were damaged. Surgeons then discovered and removed a dangerous tumor in his colon. If Daniel had not been stabbed, he could have died.

Israel Forever

Great site for positive Israel information, including these inspirational messages.

What were Friday night meals like, before Judaism?

Researchers at Tel Aviv University analyzing prehistoric human teeth found in Qesem cave, in central Israel, say the signs of wear and tear reveal much about the diet and table manners of our ancestors, down to the very gestures they used when they gathered around the fire to share food.


Great Zionism history videos

Please register (for free) to watch these excellent 5-minute movies about the history of the Jewish State. To get a preview, the latest one can be watched without registering.


Life continues

Israeli Moran Zur’s father passed away in 2002 and missed Moran’s wedding. It gave Moran the idea for giving absent relatives the ability to leave video messages to their loved ones. In 2012, Moran’s wife was diagnosed with advanced brain cancer, prompting Moran to develop SafeBeyond.


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