United with Israel

Good News Israel! Druze Reporter is New Israeli Anchorwoman, Israeli ‘Settlers’ Save Arab Boy – and More!

Ghadeer Kamal Mreeh

Israel Public Broadcasting Anchorwoman Ghadeer Kamal Mreeh (Youtube/Screenshot)

Israeli-Druze Gadeer Mreeh is new anchorwoman for Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation; residents of Jewish city in Judea saved a Palestinian boy’s life; Israeli-Palestinian coexistence projects in Jordan Valley, and much more!

By Michael Ordman


Jews in Efrat save Arab boy’s life

Efrat is a Judean town situated between Bethlehem and Hebron. Arab residents from neighboring Wadi Nis brought to Efrat a boy from their village who was seriously hurt in a fall from his second-floor balcony. Efrat’s Jewish paramedics provided advanced treatment, saving his life.

Israeli-Druze woman is Israeli TV news anchor

Israeli-Druze Ghadeer Kamal Mreeh is the first non-Jewish woman to anchor the Hebrew news at the Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation. A mother of two, she has a BA from Bar-Ilan University and a master’s in international relations from Haifa University.

Co-existence projects in the Jordan Valley

Israel’s Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy Ministry has partnered the Jordan Valley Regional Council to promote agricultural cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian Arab communities. Head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council, David Elhayani tells more.

Hi-tech training for Negev Arabs and Jews

Founded in 2009, Israeli NGO A New Dawn in the Negev improves quality of life for Israel’s Bedouin community. Its Tech2Peace program in Yeruham trained 30 young men and women (15 Israeli Arabs and 15 Jews) in software development, graphic design and 3D printing.

Israeli Arab “is privileged” to serve in the IDF

A 19-year-old Israeli Arab from the Jerusalem area joined the IDF Border Police and completed basic training. The teenager says it’s “a privilege to serve my country,” Following T.’s decision to enlist, three of his close friends decided to follow his footsteps.

Haifa welcomes European navy ships

Haifa port, on Israel’s northern coast, often hosts ships from allied naval forces. On 28th November, a French navy vessel docked at the port and it is shortly to be joined by ships from Italy, Spain and Britain. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/diplomacy-defense/189754-181128-exclusive-french-warship-docks-in-israel-to-be-joined-by-italy-britain-spain

Latino Christian Zionists in LA

Latino evangelicals from Southern California gathered at the Igelsia Evangelica Latina church in Los Angeles for a special event honoring the State of Israel. The event was also attended by local Jewish community leaders and a representative of the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles.

UN adopts Israel’s national rescue team

Israel’s Home Front Command National Rescue Unit has joined the prestigious “INSARAG” – a United Nations body that centralizes rescue units from around the world to coordinate, optimize and utilize rescue operations in disaster-stricken areas and save lives.


Drones neutralized at G20 Summit

Last week (see here) I wrote that Israel provided security for the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires. In fact, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) subsidiary ELTA, deployed its Drone Guard detection system and successfully blocked several suspicious drones from flying towards the global leaders.


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