United with Israel

Escaping Terror, French Jews Finally Come Home to Israel

French Jews aliya

The arrival of more than 200 French Jews who made aliyah, at Ben Gurion International Airport on July 20, 2016. (Flash90)

206 immigrants from France arrived in Israel in the largest-ever summer mass-aliyah from France; Israel welcomed 218 new immigrants from North America as the summer season of Aliyah organized by Nefesh B’nefesh begins, and much more. 

By: Michael Ordman


French mass-Aliya flight arrives

206 immigrants from France arrived in Israel in the largest-ever summer mass-aliyah from France. They were met by Natan Sharansky – Head of the Jewish Agency, who danced with the new Olim. Another 5,000 Jews from around the world plan to make Aliya this summer.


The first Aliya flight of the Summer

Israel welcomed 218 new immigrants (Olim) from North America as the summer season of Aliyah organized by Nefesh B’nefesh begins.

Look what became of the Philistines

Archaeologists digging at the southern coastal city of Ashkelon have discovered the first cemetery belonging to the Israelites’ Biblical enemy, the Philistines. The cemetery dates between the 11th and 8th centuries BCE, may contain thousands of graves, and reveal many Philistine customs.

Rare Bar Kochba coin for sale

Winner’s auction house is offering a unique item for sale: a silver shekel from the 4th year of the Bar Kochba rebellion against the Roman occupation of Judea. The coin is rare as silver for minting coins was in short supply then. It is expected to fetch between $28,000 and $32,000.

Seeking Western Sephardim

The Avotaynu DNA Project organized by Israel’s Technion, seeks males who are direct paternal line descendants of members of the historic Western Sephardi communities of Amsterdam, London, Livorno, Venice, Bordeaux, Southwest France, Curacao, Suriname, and North America for a study of Western Sephardi paternal DNA lineages. http://www.avotaynuonline.com/2016/07/avotaynu-dna-seeks-sephardi-study-participants/?ct=t(Weekly_Avotaynu_Digest4_2_2015)

Hebron, a microcosm of Jewish history and survival

The city of Hebron has been in the news recently for tragic reasons due to the recent terror wave. Here is a short history of the city from Biblical times until now.

Hospital summer camps

Colel Chabad’s summer camp program for hospitalized Israeli children includes 45 pediatric beds at Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon and 80 pediatric beds at Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot. The hospital camp activities revolve around arts and crafts and are fully funded by Colel Chabad.

Scholarships for orphans

Colel Chabad has also awarded 100 Israeli orphans with academic scholarships. A special celebration was held at the Psagot Winery near Jerusalem. The Chesed Menachem Mendel Awards help the child with tutoring, music lessons, summer camps and therapies in order to help them succeed in school and socially.


Saved by his dog tag

Shrapnel from shots fired at an IDF post near Metulla on the northern border with Lebanon ricocheted off one the dog (identification) tags of a soldier guarding the post. Military medics at the post inspected the soldier and found him unharmed.


Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.

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