United with Israel

Good News Israel! View Jerusalem’s Ancient Cistern; Holocaust Survivor, 92, Makes Aliya, and More

Jerusalem's ancient cistern

Jerusalem's ancient cistern (Youtube/Screenshot)

How water was provided to Jerusalem in biblical times; 92-year-old survivor makes Aliyah from New Jersey; rescuer of Yemen’s Jews honored, and much more. 

By: Michael Ordman


Jerusalem’s ancient cistern. (TY Avi) This new video shows the Gihon spring and Jerusalem’s ancient cistern that provided water to the city in Biblical times more than 3,000 years ago when King David ruled. Over 300 years later, King Hezekiah of Judah diverted the spring to prevent it from sustaining the Assyrian invaders.

225 Bnei Menashe make Aliya

225 members of the Bnei Menashe community from the state of Manipur in northeast India have just completed their Aliyah through Shavei Israel. 4 separate groups joined 429 members of the Bnei Menashe community who have already made Aliyah since the beginning of January 2018,


92-year-old survivor makes Aliya

Shoah survivor Jack Nasielski, 92, from Edison New Jersey, fulfilled his lifelong dream, making Aliya with his daughter Lilly and her husband Bruce. They join Lilly and Bruce’s four children and Jack’s many grandchildren and great-grandchildren who already live in Israel.


Rescuer of Yemen’s Jews honored

Capt. Elgen Long is the last surviving member of a commercial flight crew that saved 1,800 Jewish refugees stranded in Yemen in 1949 by flying them to Israel. In Shanghai, they removed the seats on their Alaska airlines DC-4 and flew 150 refugees on each of many trips from Yemen.


Click HERE for this week’s Good News from Israel.

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