United with Israel

HORRIFYING: Vicious Jew Hatred on NYC Subway

NYC Anti-Semite

Anti-semite on NYC subway (Screenshot)

A Jewish man was subjected to disgusting anti-Semitic slurs while riding the New York City subway.

Vicious anti-Semitism is emerging across world, including in the middle of New York City.

A Jewish man innocently riding the New York City subway was recently subjected to a threatening anti-Semitic tirade.

This type of attack must stop!

Bring Joy to Israeli Soldiers - Send Winter Care Packages!

We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to defend the citizens of Israel.

Join us in sending winter care packages and personal notes of support to Israeli soldiers who are out in the cold all day.

Warm up a soldier's heart with essential winter wear including fleece jackets, hats, gloves and more. Keep an entire unit warm!


Click Here to Send Your Gift and Personal Note to Israeli Soldiers

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