United with Israel

IDF Airstrikes Nail Syrian Targets, Kill Fighter

IDF airstrike on Syria

IDF airstrike on Syria on Dec. 30, 2020. (Twitter)

The strike occurred in the Zabadani area northwest of the capital Damascus, after midnight on Tuesday.

By Aryeh Savir, TPS

An Israeli Air Force (IAF) in Syria on Tuesday night killed at least one person and injured at least three others in an attack on Hezbollah targets in the country, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported.

The attack occurred in the Zabadani area northwest of the capital Damascus, after midnight on Tuesday.

The Israeli strikes targeted Hezbollah forces in the Nabi Habeel area in Zabadani and a Syrian army defense battalion that tried to counter the Israeli attack.

The casualty and injured fighters were Syrian soldiers.

Israel has remained silent on the reports.

The IAF reportedly last attacked in Syria early Friday morning and killed at least six Iran-backed fighters.

The SOHR’s report on the strike said that the casualties were all foreign paramilitaries fighting alongside President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

A missile hit a government-run scientific research facility in the area. The center is used for the development and production of weapons, including long-range missiles, and has been bombed by Israel in the past.

In a summary of 2020, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi noted that “the Iranian establishment in Syria is in a clear slowdown, but we still have a long way to go to complete the goals in the arena.”

“We have struck over 500 targets this year, on all fronts, in addition to multiple clandestine missions,” he said.

In general, Iran and Hezbollah’s military build-up in Syria remains a red line for Israel. The IAF has carried out thousands of attacks to thwart the Iranian entrenchment in the war-torn country.

Israeli leaders have repeatedly declared that they will not tolerate an Iranian threat on its northern border with Syria and will take all necessary measures to ensure that such a menace does not emerge.

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