: An increasing number of Arabs living in the Binyamin region of Israel have been turning to a local IDF post for emergency medical care, the Israeli army reported on Monday.
On Sunday night, a young Arab woman arrived at the post with her 12-day-old infant, who was suffering from severe breathing difficulty.
The IDF Home Front Command soldiers stationed in the area treated and stabilized the baby. They then called an emergency ambulance that evacuating the infant to a nearby hospital in Ramallah.
“The baby was suffering from severe breathing difficulty and was simultaneously vomiting,” explained the battalion doctor, Cpt. Dr. Michael Findler. “We provided her with initial medical care and succeeded in stabilizing her condition.”
Commanders in the Binyamin Regional Brigade explained that Arabs living in the region know that when they are in need of medical assistance, the Israeli army will provide them with the care and treatment they are seeking. “Every Palestinian in the region knows there is an IDF post permanently stationed here that will provide aid,” said Cpt. Dr. Findler. “Such incidents have become commonplace.”
Over the past two weeks, the battalion stationed at the post treated three similar cases of emergency medical care, noted the IDF.
“Last time one of our paramedics treated a Palestinian girl suffering from meningitis, and in another incident I treated a jaundice patient that arrived with a severe cerebral hemorrhage,” explained the battalion doctor. “In both cases the patients were evacuated for additional medical care at Israeli hospitals.”
Source: IsraelNationalNews
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