United with Israel

IDF’s Female Tank Crew Advances to Next Stage!

IDF female tank crew

IDF female tank crew. (IDF Spokesperson Unit)

The Israeli military’s pilot program for female tank commanders is proceeding to integrate women into the Armored Corps.


IDF Chief of Staff Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi recently approved a move to advance a trial program that integrates women into the Armored Corps. The female IDF crew will now move on to the next stage of the program, the IDF announced on Sunday.

IDF spokesman Brig.-Gen. Hidai Zilberman stated that “our decisions have been made in light of three key criteria – the operational effectiveness, equal opportunities and women’s health.”

“The contribution of women in the IDF is tremendous across all sections and will continue to be very significant. Inclusion of women in the IDF in general, including in operational activities, is important, alongside the necessity of maintaining the professional requirements for each position,” Zilberman concluded.

According to the IDF, the next stage of the pilot program is expected to include approximately twice as many participants as the previous one. The parameters of the height and weight of participants in the program will be changed, as will the time spent in operational scenarios. The tanks will be staffed by entirely female teams.

The Democratic Union political party welcomed the announcement, saying it promotes equality for women.

“We would like to commend the chief of staff’s decision to integrate women into the Armored Corps and call on him to continue to work for women’s integration and to promote equality in the IDF,” the party stated.

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