United with Israel

Iranian Tweets for ‘Elimination of Israel’ should Alarm U.S.

Ayatollah Khamenei. (Photo: willyvandamme.files.wordpress.com)

Iran’s Supreme Leader continues to call for Israel’s elimination as the Western powers move closer to compromising with Iran on its nuclear program.

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, tweeted on Sunday an infographic titled “9 Questions About Elimination of Israel,” explaining why and how the State of Israel should be destroyed.

Answering “why should the Zionist regime be eliminated,” Khamenei answers:  “During 66 years of life so far, the fake Zionist regime has tried to realize its goals by the means of infanticide, homicide, violence & iron fist while boasts about it blatantly.”

He suggests that the best way to eliminate the “Zionist regime” is through an international referendum including only “the original people of Palestine” and their descendants. “Naturally, the Jewish immigrants who have been persuaded into emigration to Palestine” would have no say, Khamenei states.

Khamenei claims that “the elimination of Israel does not mean the massacre of Jewish people in the region.” However, the fate of the Jews in Israel would be determined by the government of the “original Palestinians” who would decide if they may stay or return to their home countries, i.e. post-Holocaust Europe.

Khamenei’s latest tweet follows his tweets from Saturday in which he called for Israel’s destruction, suggesting it can be accomplished by arming Arabs in the “West Bank.”

It is of significance to note that the ayatollah is also the supreme authority over the development of Iran’s nuclear bomb.

Can a Genocidal Leader be a Partner in Nuclear Talks?

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), which fights anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, issued a strong condemnation of Khamenei’s seditious messages:  “With the release of the Ayatollah’s genocidal calls for the destruction of the Jewish State (first posted in July 2014 and reposted on November 9), Israel is right to take the Ayatollah at his word. Americans have every right to ask: Is this a leader who can be trusted in any negotiations whether over nuclear centrifuges or fighting ISIS?”

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is urging U.S. President Obama to denounce the Ayatollah’s continuing genocidal calls for the destruction of the Jewish State. “The only true path to change Iran’s behavior short of regime change is the re-imposing of tough sanctions and the demand that its nuclearization program be dismantled,” said Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper, Dean and Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Khamenei’s latest tweet was published on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass, one of the most infamous pogroms in Nazi Germany in 1938, and the SWC believes “it is appropriate for leaders to remember that when tyrants threaten, the world should listen. The world wouldn’t take Hitler’s threats seriously in the 1930’s and the Nazi Holocaust and WWII were soon unleashed.”

Netanyahu: ‘There is no Moderation in Iran’

As the November 24 deadline for ending the talks between Iran and the Western powers nears, and as Washington seems intent on making concessions in order to reach a deal with Tehran, the level of apprehension in Jerusalem heightens.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated Monday evening that: “There are reports that the P5+1 countries (Western powers) are close to a deal with Iran on Iran’s nuclear program. I’ve instructed my office to send a letter to the foreign ministers of the P5+1 countries. In that letter I bring, verbatim, the words of Iran’s ruler Ayatollah Khamenei. The leader of this country that is depicted by some as moderate, the Islamic State of Iran, has said in the last 48 hours: one, that he calls for the annihilation of Israel – his words, not mine; two, he gives nine ways and reasons of how and why Israel should be annihilated – his words, not mine. He’s publicly calling for the annihilation of Israel as he is negotiating a nuclear deal with the P5+1 countries. There is no moderation in Iran. It is unrepentant, unreformed, it calls for Israel’s eradication, it promotes international terrorism, and as the IAEA (international Atomic Energy Agency) report just said, it continues to deceive the international community about its nuclear weapons program. This terrorist regime in Iran must not be allowed to become a nuclear threshold power. And I call on the P5+1 countries – don’t rush into a deal that would let Iran rush to the bomb.”

You Can Fight Back against Iran!

The discussions between Iran and the West regarding Iran’s nuclear aspirations are at a crucial point. Israel fears that the Obama Administration will ease the sanctions on Iran to gain diplomatic points. We MUST ensure that Iran does not become nuclear.

To sign a petition demanding NOT to ease sanctions on Iran at Israel’s expense, click HERE.

Author: United with Israel Staff

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