United with Israel

Iran’s Nuclear Program Improved Since Deal Forged with Global Powers, Atomic Expert Affirms

Behrouz Kamalvandi

Behrouz Kamalvandi (Mehr News)

Has the nuclear deal scaled back Iran’s nuclear development program? The answer is no, if you ask Iran.

Iran’s nuclear program has been faring much better since the nuclear deal signed with P5+1 powers went into effect, Behrouz Kamalvandi, deputy head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) for International, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, told reporters on Tuesday.

He referred to Iran’s joining the nuclear fusion megaproject known as ITER as one of the opportunities presented to the Islamic Republic following the signing of the nuclear deal.

“Our participation in ITER is highly significant and will improve our position on the international scene tremendously,” he stated, according to Iran’s Mehr news.

Kamalvandi stressed that the remaining international sanctions on Iran must be fought by the Foreign Ministry, but said that the lifting of sanctions on Iran’s ships and the reestablishing of “connection with the world and the exchange of letters of credit have created a progressive atmosphere for our trade. If we manage our resources correctly, we can join the top ten economies in the world.”

“Within the span of seven months, we sold 70 tons of heavy water,” he said. “We are set to sell 20 tons annually, and we have a number of potential buyers.”

Heavy water is used to cool nuclear reactors that can produce substantial amounts of plutonium, which could be applied to making the fissile core of nuclear bombs.

“Even considering nuclear reactors, we are now in possession of some new reactors that are much technically superior to their previous versions” he said.

Kamalvandi also referred to the many visits made to various countries on expanding nuclear cooperation, which led to the signing of a number of agreements. “This positive outcome of the nuclear deal is undeniable,” he stated.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that Iran is improving its nuclear development system and that the Iran-made first-generation IR1 centrifuges have been replaced by IR8 centrifuges, which are the most advanced.

By: United with Israel Staff

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