United with Israel

ISRAELI DISNEYLAND? Israel Planning Country’s Largest Amusement Park in Surprising Location

Roller coaster

Roller coaster. (shutterstock)

At more than 10,700 square feet, the park would be Israel’s largest, with amusement rides, water attractions, a hotel and shopping complex, and nature areas.

By Pesach Benson, TPS

Israel’s Ministry of Tourism began inviting investors to participate in an ambitious amusement park and hotel complex in southern Israel, away from the more populated center of the country.

Construction for the Negev Park project, located near Beersheva and Kibbutz Hatzerim, is expected to begin in four or five years.

The idea of an “Israeli Disneyland” was initially floated in 2011 to boost Negev tourism and create jobs. The location is more than a 1.5 hour drive from both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

At more than 10,700 square feet, the park would be Israel’s largest. Plans call for amusement rides, water attractions, a hotel and shopping complex, and nature areas.

“The Negev metropolis is becoming Israel’s new ‘in-demand area’ in terms of tourism, recreation and leisure,” said Beersheva Mayor Rubik Danilovitz.

The project is being overseen and funded by the Israel Land Authority and currently has a 50 million shekel ($14.5 million) budget.

Alon Kovarsky, of the Bnei Shimon Regional Council, who is the project’s chief marketing officer told Tazpit Press Service that tenders will be published in the coming months.

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