United with Israel

Israel Razes Homes of Terrorists who Murdered Student

Israeli forces demolish a terrorist's house. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90)

Israeli security forces razed the homes of the four Palestinian terrorists who murdered in cold blood an 18-year-old student in August.

By United with Israel Staff and AP

The Israeli military demolished the homes of four Palestinian terrorists who killing Israeli yeshiva student Dvir Sorek last August.

Israeli forces tore down the homes in the village of Beit Kahil, northwest of Hebron. The four terrorists were involved in the fatal stabbing of Sorek and admitted to seeking out an Israeli youth with sidelocks to murder, indicating their desire to kill a religious Jew.

Palestinians rioted during Thursday’s demolition, burning tires and hurling rocks at Israeli troops.

The demolition of terrorists ‘homes of is official government policy, as the Palestinian Authority and various Iran-backed terror groups financially reward criminals who murder and maim Israeli civilians, with the worst offenders and their families receiving lifetime stipends.

Israel’s new defense minister, Naftali Bennett, said Thursday that home demolitions prove “there is a price to terror, and Jewish blood is not spilled without cost.”

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