United with Israel

Israel Stands Still: Marking the One-Month Anniversary of October 7

October 7 memorial

Israelis standing a minute of silence for the war victims and Israelis abducted by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, at the "Hostages Square", outside the Ministry of Defense Headquarters in Tel Aviv, a month after the October 7 massacre, November 7, 2023. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90

Israel commemorates one month since the October 7 tragedy, uniting in a heartfelt moment of silence to remember and pray for the return of their loved ones.

Today marks one heart-wrenching month since the harrowing events of October 7, when 240 Israelis were tragically abducted by Hamas.

As Israel mourns its fallen and fervently prays for the safe return of its loved ones from the depths of Gaza, people across the nation stand together in a solemn minute of silence.

This moving community-led memorial is a poignant testament to the lives lost, the enduring collective grief, and the unwavering resilience of a nation confronting adversity.

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Rockets are falling. Sirens blare, with seconds to run for cover. IDF soldiers risk their lives battling terrorists inside Gaza. Thousands forced to abandon their homes in southern Israel.

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