United with Israel

Israeli App Improves Sleep to Bolster Immune System



An Israeli company is offering free sleep training through its advanced app during the coronavirus crisis.

By United with Israel Staff

An Israeli company called Dayzz is offering organizations and individuals the free use of its advanced sleep training app, which it hopes will boost immunity during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. The Dayzz app is designed to help people improve sleep quality and facilitate mental health.

Large swathes of the world’s population are suffering from interruptions in normal sleep patterns due to lockdown, business closings, unemployment, working from home, social isolation, changes in daily routines and a bombardment of information.

These factors are leaving many struggling to get a good night’s sleep, resulting in deterioration of health and elevation of anxiety levels.

“[Dayzz] decided to take action and provide employers with access to our platform to make it easier for their employees and members to cope with this new reality,” said Mairav Cohen-Zion, Chief Science Officer at Dayzz. “Coping with the COVID-19 situation has fundamentally changed our lives and has posed significant new challenges in maintaining a work-life balance and a sense of emotional well-being.”

The Dayzz app screens common sleeping disorders within large populations and uses the data to create personalized sleep-training plans.

The Dayzz staff believes that “sleep is the largest missing piece in healthcare.”

“During this stressful time, I highly recommend prioritizing sleep, for ourselves and our family members, which endless research has evidenced its recuperative effects on the body and mind, helping us promote an internal sense of calmness, focus, and patience we seek during this period of adjustment and uncertainty,” Cohen-Zion said.


Donate to the Corona Emergency Relief Fund. Coronavirus has taken a huge toll on the people of Israel. The poor, elderly and ill are most vulnerable.

Israeli soldiers, security officers and medical care providers operate under great danger and risk to life.

Over 1 million Israelis are out of work. Many cannot make ends meet. We provide financial aid, food, medical supplies and more. Funds are distributed where needed most. The time to act is now!

United with Israel extends a special note of appreciation to the Genesis Prize for their generous support.


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