United with Israel

Israeli Driver Wounded as Rock-Throwing Terror Escalates

Terror attack in Samaria

At least one Jewish driver was lightly wounded when Palestinian terrorists pelted Israeli vehicles in central Samaria, Aug. 7, 2023. Photo by Shiloh Security.

The incident comes amid a sharp increase in terror attacks across Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem.


At least one Jewish driver was lightly wounded on Monday evening when Palestinian terrorists stoned Israeli vehicles on a main highway in central Samaria, medical officials said.

According to the Magen David Adom emergency service, a 28-year-old man suffered a head wound in the attack, which took place on Route 60 in the vicinity of Sinjil, north of Ramallah.

After being hit, the victim continued to drive for several minutes until he reached the Jewish community of Shiloh. He received treatment at the scene and was evacuated to Hadassah Medical Center at Mount Scopus, Jerusalem.

The incident comes amid a sharp increase in terror attacks across Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem.

Palestinian rock throwers on Monday also targeted Israeli drivers on routes 446 and 465, causing some damage. In a separate incident, terrorists threw a firebomb at Israelis traveling on Route 466 near Givat Assaf, reported Rescuers Without Borders (Hatzalah Judea and Samaria).

Meanwhile, in eastern Jerusalem, a firebomb was thrown at Jewish homes in the Ma’aleh Zeitim neighborhood, setting fire to trees. Families were evacuated as authorities feared the fire would spread. The Israel Police opened an investigation, the Kan News public broadcaster reported.

On Sunday evening, a group of Arabs violently attacked an Israeli woman and her three children in eastern Jerusalem. The victims were driving on Martin Buber Street when five assailants smashed the windshield of their vehicle with cinder blocks and stones.

The woman was injured by glass shards, while her children were treated for anxiety, local media reported.

Just hours earlier, police officers caught a resident of eastern Jerusalem red-handed as he stoned cars passing through the At-Tur neighborhood on the Mount of Olives. The suspect was set to be brought before a judge on Monday.

“The Israel Police will continue to act with determination and arrest lawbreakers, rioters and stone throwers, adults or minors, and [will act] against anyone who tries to harm road users, public safety and property,” authorities warned in a statement.

Palestinian terrorists on Sunday night also targeted a public bus near the southern Samaria town of Ofra, causing extensive damage. It was not initially clear how the vehicle was attacked, with eyewitnesses telling JNS they heard gunshots.

Rescuers Without Borders also recorded stoning incidents in the areas of Yitzhar, Ma’ale Hever and Ma’ale Shomron in Judea and Samaria on Sunday.

Hatzalah Judea and Samaria recorded a total of 3,640 acts of terror throughout Israel in the first six months of 2023 alone, including 2,118 cases of stoning, the organization announced last month.

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