United with Israel

Israeli Terror Victim Esther Horgan Honored by EU Parliament

Esther Horgan


The mother of six was murdered by Muhammad Mruh Kabha near her home in northern Samaria on Dec. 20, 2020.

By JNS.org

A memorial event marking two years since the killing of terror victim Esther Horgan was held on Wednesday at the European Parliament in Brussels.

The conference, an initiative of the Samaria Regional Council and the parliament’s European Conservatives and Reformists Group, opened with the lighting of a memorial candle in memory of Horgan.

The mother of six was murdered by Muhammad Mruh Kabha near her home in northern Samaria on Dec. 20, 2020.

Taking part in the ceremony were Esther’s husband, Binyamin, her daughters Odalia and Abigail, Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan, Israel’s ambassador to the European Union Haim Regev and more than 10 members of the European Parliament.

Horgan was an E.U. citizen.

Dagan called for an immediate halt to the E.U.’s financial support for the Palestinian Authority:

“Your money, the tax money of hundreds of millions of European Union citizens, is used to encourage the murder of Jews in the State of Israel,” he said.

“The Palestinian Authority transfers half a billion shekels a year to terrorists in Israeli prisons. The more they killed, the higher the reward. The despicable terrorist Muhammad Kabha, who murdered Esther Horgan, receives from you, the European taxpayer, 12,000 shekels [approximately $3,490] per month, six times the average salary in the Palestinian Authority. So I ask you. Does it not pay to kill Jews? Look into the eyes of these orphans. And promise that you will do everything to stop the madness,” he continued.

Horgan’s daughter Abigail said to the parliamentarians, “I’m begging you, please help me to not allow the cycle of killing to continue to grow.”

Bert-Jan Ruissen, who represents the Netherlands in the European Parliament, said, “As we sit here next to Esther’s family, I am shocked to learn that her killer will receive 4,000,000 shekels [$1.16 million] from the Palestinian Authority during his lifetime for committing the horrible crime.”

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