United with Israel

Israelis Nearly Murdered on Way to Funeral in Jerusalem

An Israeli car attacked by Arabs. (Photo: Ruben Salvadori / Flash90)

A group of Israelis who were violently attacked by Arabs have miraculously survived. The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem continues to be a dangerous place for Jews.

Israelis were almost murdered in Jerusalem on Tuesday when, on the way to a funeral, they were viciously attacked by Arabs throwing rocks.

Several cars were driving towards the cemetery on the Mount of Olives in the evening when they came under a barrage of rocks and cinder blocks.

One passenger was injured and treated for glass in his eye, and some cars were heavily damaged.

“It was a miracle we got out alive,” Yochanan Danziger, who was injured in the attack, told the Jewish Press.

Palestinian Hospital Refuses to Treat Victims

The cars turned around and fled towards the socalled Al-Makassed Islamic Charitable Hospital in the vicinity, but were refused entry into the parking lot.

They finally managed to find refuge at a local police station. The police, who were reportedly very understanding, told the victims that the attackers “would pay a heavy price.”

The Mount of Olives has been the site of numerous attacks by Arab terrorists against Israeli targets.

In November, visitors to the old Jewish Cemetery on Har HaZeitim (Mount of Olives) were dismayed to discover that several tombs had been destroyed or desecrated, apparently by Muslim vandals.

Earlier that month, police announced the arrest of a group of Arab vandals. The three suspects, aged 22, 15 and 12, residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of A-Tur, are thought to have destroyed graves at the site.

Earlier this year, Tova Richler, an American citizen on her way to attend her father’s funeral, was viciously attacked by Arab rioters. The attack was so intense that she was unable to arrive at her destination, causing her much grief.

Tradition of Muslim Sacrilege

The sacrilegious Muslim tradition of grave vandalism at Har HaZeitim goes back at least to the 1950s and 1960s, when the cemetery was occupied by Jordan. Jordan systematically desecrated graves at the cemetery and used the stones for construction.

Most Ancient and Important Jewish Cemetery

Jewish burial on the Mount of Olives began more than 3,000 years ago. Notable figures interred there include great rabbis and scholars throughout the centuries, victims of Arab riots in the early 20th century and Israel’s wars, and leading figures of the modern Jewish state, including literary icon S.Y. Agnon and Eliezer Ben Yehuda, founder of modern Hebrew.

By: United with Israel Staff

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