United with Israel

Jerusalem Synagogue Desecrated in Alleged Hate Crime

jerusalem synagogue desecration

The burnt holy ark curtain. (Courtesy)

A central Jerusalem synagogue was targeted Wednesday in what seems to have been a hate crime.

A synagogue on King George Street in Jerusalem, situated in the heart of the Israeli capital, was desecrated Wednesday night. The curtain covering the holy ark that holds the Torah scrolls was burned, and a Nazi-like Swastika and anti-Jewish epithets were scrawled on the furniture.

Police investigators arrived at the scene and collected evidence they hope will lead to the perpetrators. A Jerusalem Police spokesman announced the launch of a probe into the incident.

Members of the synagogue told Tazpit News Agency that this was the third time in the past month that the site was targeted. In a previous incident, a Torah scroll was taken and thrown in the bathroom.

By: United with Israel Staff

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